Flight Control Max is cost-effective, helping you save a significant amount of money on labor and cleanup. Decoys don't always permanently. Lakes or ponds with larger trees and bushes are less appealing for geese than open waterfronts because it is harder for them to graze there. Shake the bottle every time you come next to a flock or a goose and youll notice that the birds tend to be scared by the noise. In this post, were looking at a variety of methods on how to get rid of geese, so keep on reading if you need new ideas for handling this situation. Camo only works if it matches your surroundings. We have the blue & gold as well as the green & white. If youre in need of an exterminator or wildlife professional, you can learn more about our nationwide network of pest control professionals. Calling a professional may cost a bit of money but it can also result in far less stress and frustration, too. The primary reasons you don't want geese on or around your property include the following: Looking to keep geese away but you are just not sure where to start? Provides fish shade on sunny days. Replace Kentucky bluegrass (a.k.a. Take an empty laundry detergent bottle, fill it with rocks, and tie a rope around it. Make your own goose repellent. If youre looking to keep the geese out of your yard, there may be no better way to go than a liquid goose repellent. Keep geese off your lawn with this inconspicuous and attractive goose repellent fence. For extra reflection wrap each stake with the reflective tape from top to bottom! Maybe there are only a couple of them in the area. That alone is enough to make homeowners want to get rid of the geese for good. Canada geese are amazing creatures that can be found near water bodies all across North America. Though it isnt the most aesthetically pleasing look in the world, allowing the grass in your yard to grow six inches or taller can be an effective way to keep geese from taking up residence in your yard. "By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail." - Ben Franklin A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty . Theyre also quite brave, so they will stand up to geese even if they try to threaten them. Such a sprinkler is effective because it is eco-friendly, non-chemical, and perfectly safe for everyone, even for the geese themselves. While using reflective tape is a great and cheap method to keep geese away from your pond. If you have a body of water on your property like a pond or a lake, you will probably see geese gathering there at some point either in migration or during their nesting times. Geese are beautiful creatures to watch and can signal the changing of the seasons as they migrate. Youll have to work with what youve got, but my best suggestion would be to invest in a $10 $15 roll of reflective bird tape and go from there. In a way, this type of device is more or less similar to the strobe light that we have already mentioned, but being uniquely made to repel geese, it might offer better results. Take the time to observe their behavior and see whether they arent gathering in specific places. In general, these devices come with a solar-powered light that is very powerful and that flashes on a regular basis so that it makes it very hard for the geese to get any sleep. The old fashioned way is to simply catch it by the neck (never by the feet!) The soft sounds of crickets may be part of any typical summer background noise. The cannon, also known as a zon gun, is a small device that uses propane to emit a. in Bird Control. Characteristics of feeding sites used by urban-suburban flocks of Canada geese in Connecticut. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 19.1 (1991): 36-38. It typically takes a couple of days for the device to deter the birds, so you need to have a little patience. Before these, we had 34 geese visiting our beach and lawn daily. Chicken wire is similar to fencing in that it provides a boundary for the birds. The spray lasts up to three months. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Some of the solutions that have worked but may not work for you are: do not mow areas adjacent to water. Let them bark away at the geese and those pesky birds will most likely fly away and choose another property to hang out on. Giving the dog positive reinforcement by using a treat will train them to learn that chasing the geese is a rewarding task, which will make him or her want to chase the geese solely for the reward. In my honest opinion, there really isnt much worse than going outside to your pond and seeing an entire flock of geese walking around it. Choose anything between cattails and rushes to sedges and warm-season grasses and make sure they have a height of at least 2 feet (over a width of up to ten feet). There is a chemical that is used to sweeten certain drinks and candies that is highly offensive to geese. However, you can try letting your grass grow tall in areas where you notice geese gathering. Weve all seen videos or heard stories of geese chasing and biting people. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The artificial sweetener in grape candies and drinks is called methyl anthranilate. This will reaffirm in his head that chasing the geese will lead to a reward (the dog treat) and hell be much more likely to chase them away on his own. For those who have a local water source, major health concerns can be caused if the feces get into the water supply. When I say geese, I mean about 50 of them!!! Getting a dog would solve some of your goose problems, especially since some breeds, such as the Border Collie, tend to get overly excited and run around after them. I prefer faster, calmer, more painless methods. And 5 packs of Kool-Aid will cost approximately $2.50. But there's an easier way. These EPA-approved liquids deterrents use food grade ingredients . A bird noise maker is another type of device that can help you deter Canadian geese or any other species, for that matter. Head on over to our article to learn just how to use pinwheels to keep geese away! As the geese are walking around your yard, just walk towards them shaking the bottle. You may, of course, build your own geese repellent as well. All of our products are 100% guaranteed effective, so let us help you say, Away With Geese for good! Take an empty laundry detergent bottle, fill it with rocks, and tie a rope around it. Getting them stuck in the chicken wire is not a fun experience. Read on to learn about more surprising and not so surprising things that geese hate and how to use these deterrents to keep geese off of your property. Instead of relying on homemade goose repellent, you can rest assured that the sprinkler will do its job for up to six months and even cover up to 1,200 square feet. Keep in mind that geese can be particularly difficult to remove from the area if they feel like it is a good source of food and shelter. When covering a water body with wire, you should make it challenging for the birds to be able to land on the water or walk into it. Canada geese are a big problem all over Eastern North America. Fails to allow the dog to move at least 12 feet or, if the device is a pulley system, fails to allow the dog to move a total of 12 feet; or. When Im not out roaming around 50+ acres of pastures, woods, and a freshwater bass pond, Im at my computer writing on Pest Pointers. Reflective bird tape is essentially an extremely thick and shiny version of ribbon satin, which is the material people use to tie bows on presents. And keep your head down until it's time to shoot. By signing up, you will receive Bird B Gone, Inc. updates, offers, or other commercial messages. If you have a lot of geese, you will most likely be noticing this problem quickly getting out of control. However, most homeowners who have tried it in the past say that it doesnt pose any problems to mallard ducks. Are there areas that your landscaping can be altered to make your yard a less desirable place for geese to visit? If you have a Bluetooth speaker you can play a recording of a dog barking near where the geese are. The most effective way to scare geese away is with trained goose-herding dogs. A continuously moving cat powered by mother nature. These animals (and many other similar waterfowl) are known to mate for life. With all of these downsides, it only makes sense to want to keep geese off of your property. However, a really great method of keeping geese out of your pond is to get on a four-wheeler and chase them out. People with pets run the risk of them stepping in the goose droppings, tracking them in the house in their wake. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Predator protection or similar habitat selection in red-breasted goose nesting associations: extremes along a continuum. Animal Behaviour 65.2 (2003): 297-307. Think about it, have you ever been driving a car during sunrise and had the sun blasting in your face? Benefits: Solves Geese Problems quickly; The product works at night, seven days a week; Environmentally safe and effective; Solar power recharges batteries; Maintenance free. With its assistance, you will be able to keep geese out of your yard and even scare geese away from around water sources. Our geese control products are maintenance-free, solar powered and one-hundred percent guaranteed to detergeese and work without the use of harsh chemicals, dogs, reflectors, noise making devices or inhumane means. It is a good idea to limit the amount of fertilizer that you use, too. It is important that the dog only chases them, however. Using the tall light posts might be a better option for those who have pets or farm animals on their property. The latter will irritate birds and theyll avoid that area. Ducks will find this unpleasant and leave the area moving to another "untreated" dock for refuge. Geese do not like the taste of this and if you sprinkle or spray it in areas they are gathering, it should deter them. Thats because it doesnt tend to run after them in a playful manner, as a Beagle would, for example. If everything else fails and youre still getting annoying geese on your property, you might want to fight them off using what theyre actually attracted to. If you already have a sprinkler system installed on your property you can most likely redirect the sprinkler heads to spray in areas where the geese are grazing, sleeping, or making nests. The noise is meant to scare the geese away. We have had geese on our 6 acres for the past 2 years. 9 - Use Chicken Wire. This can include making sure all of your trash is sealed, keeping your grass short so they cannot eat it, and making sure that you or anyone else is not throwing food to the geese at any time. And when you consider they can live up to 25 years, it's easy to see why they can become a permanent problem. Thank goodness for that! The grid will be too small and too low for geese to land or walk in. When thegeese feed on the applied grass, they are driven away by the irritation associated with the spray. Add 2 oz of Pest Away per gallon of water and expect . At some point, your dog should take off and chase the geese away all on their own. They have a strong desire to mate and give birth in the general area they were born. There are homeowners that have had to use wheelbarrows to pick up the goose droppings in their yard, unable to take so much as a step without potentially landing in goose droppings. The reason these birds loathe staying in areas that arent clear is that in long grass, there could be any number of predators just looking to pounce and attack them. Safe to apply around ponds and lakes. Monofilament line in a grid over the surface of the pond. Not only that, but chicken wire can also be visually unappealing. Their tendency to group together for life means that when you have a goose problem, you are dealing with dozens (and even hundreds) of geese, not just one or two. monofilament line, Kevlar, twine, cotton rope, or mylar tape. If you set up barriers around any body of water that you might have on your property, these birds will be less likely to spend time in those areas. If you suspect that the geese have already nested on your property, get in touch with a professional to remove the eggs and have them placed in a different region. This wouldnt resemble a goose predator, but it would still give the birds the feeling that they are in danger if they keep hanging around on your property for too long. Plus, since its water thats being sprayed on them, you can even install it next to your vegetable patches. Remember not to shake your shaker at the . The biggest mistake that homeowners make is that they feed the couple of geese that frequent their yard. When using a professional pest removal service, everything is taken care of. Since swans are known to attack geese, one way of getting rid of Canada geese, for example, would be to get a pair of swans to live on your pond or use several fake ones on your water bodies. The simple fact of the matter is that geese can make life difficult for homeowners. Belant, Jerrold L., et al. We scare them away by riding our quad towards them. Some animal sound call machines will play two sounds at the same time, and will also make the sound of distress calls for particular species. Here are a few more tips to help you keep geese from damaging your property. Geese do not like the taste of this and if you sprinkle or spray it in areas they are gathering, it should deter them. Canada geese are migratory, meaning they travel south in the winter to warmer climates and back north in the summer. Not only will the geese not be able to get in, but neither will their droppings. Luckily for me, Vito isnt the biggest pest in my life. Geese are beautiful and quirky creatures. For example, they might use sound devices, visual deterrents, chemical repellents, a bird wire system, and a motion deterrent all at the same time. There are decoys that have swivels to them. Grids or multiple parallel lines of wire, cable, twine or rope, stretched 30 to 50 centimetres above the surface of ponds or over new plantings, will prevent geese from accessing the area. Keeping a flock of geese away from a field or pond presents a unique set of challenges. This website primarily references personal learning experiences. Sign me up to receive pest tips and news! This method works by keeping the geese from getting too close. The tape itself is extremely shiny and causes the geese to have trouble seeing where their landing spot is. The success of our geese control product is based around a simple concept: At night, geese sleep in or near water areas where they feel secure from predators. In addition to random loud noises, geese will also be scared away by any sound that their predators make. Your roof shouldnt be one of those places. Features an aluminum frame and fiberglass mesh. As you probably know by now, geese are pushy creatures. If this is the case, youll need to move on to another method. by Bird B Gone Now that weve covered the best goose solutions, its helpful to understand them in greater detail. NEW PRODUCT - Bird-Out Aromatic Bird Repellent - simple to use - the smell that repels birds -, Visual & Audio deterrents cover large open areas, Move Coyote Decoy periodically on the property, Prevents geese from entering and leaving ponds. Just be careful if you have other pets on your property. Repellency of methyl anthranilate to pre-exposed and naive Canada geese. The Journal of wildlife management (1996): 923-928. Love the Dori Poles! The geese will associate fear with the laundry bottle. Fill the bottle with the rocks and then tie a rope around it. One way to get rid of Canadian geese or any other species, for that matter, is to use a laundry detergent bottle, partially fill it up with rocks and then tie a rope around its neck. Moreover, a timer is necessary as it allows the unit to make the distress call every once in a while so that it scares geese away. They will eat fescue and almost any short grass or legume if that's all . Contaminated water: Geese are water loving birds that stay on both land and water. It recharges itself each day and has an effective area of 6.5 acres. This site is owned and operated by Pest Pointers LLC | pestpointers.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Naturally, this solution for geese removal only works on water bodies that arent too large, as covering a huge lake with wire is practically impossible. However, that doesnt mean that we want them in our pools. Then place each stake about 3-4 feet apart, that way the tape will move in the wind from stake to stake, which will make for more movement and flashing. Safe to use around humans and pets, these liquid repellents are designed to condition the flock of geese to avoid your property. Thankfully I have unlimited washes. One of the best products you can use to keep geese away is a liquid goose repellent. Switching it up is important for almost all of the methods you can use to repel geese. I grew up in an area of Upstate, NY where dealing with wildlife pests is a common occurrence. If you do not have a sprinkler system, you can buy a spraying water repellent like this Havahart 5277 Motion-Activated Animal Repellent And Sprinkler to get the job done. Thats where the term Being Goosed comes from. Heres what youll need in order to build an anti-geese reflective bird tape fence: If youre looking for quality reflective bird tape, check out this Premium Quality Bird Tape! Fill the bottle with the rocks and then tie a rope around it. No birds are still going to hang around when there are so many reasons not to, so youll soon see no geese anywhere near your water bodies and you arent going to have to wait a lot for this to happen. If you have a pond on your property where geese tend to gather and you have people coming over, tell them to avoid feeding them, especially human food. That is why running after them and yelling can make for an effective, if temporary, solution. Most people opt for owls, which can be placed in or hung from a nearby tree or awning. This way they can see predators and any other potential danger coming. But thats not the point. These are on taller posts than regular lawn solar lights and will shine a bright light into areas where geese are sleeping and disturb them. Dogs handled properly put geese in flight and the geese leave an area entirely. To deter Canadian geese, you can also use goose deterrent light. Where are they gathering most on your property? While they are beautiful to watch soaring overhead, dealing with them on your property is another matter entirely. 10. Yes, & Heres How They Use ThemContinue, There is nothing more frustrating than walking out to your garden only to find it half gone because a troublesome deer decided to snack on, Read More Epsom Salt: Can You Use It To Deter Deer?Continue, What can be more annoying than flies buzzing around you and your home? Dont worry, mallard ducks should not have a problem. It starts innocent enough but soon explodes into a real problem. So, what exactly is reflective bird tape, and why do geese hate the stuff so much? Toll Free: 800-392-6915 There are humane ways to scare geese away. This guy right next to me? They spend much of their time in and around fresh water, though they also can be found in places like cornfields (a food source for them). There are solar geese lighthouses that you can buy that will turn on at different times. These include columbine, coneflower, goatsbeard, St. John's Wort, meadowsweet, sea holly, marjoram, peonies, trillium, foxglove, lavender, verbena, and many others. Keep in mind that you probably want something that moves. Vito used to be awful at chasing geese, but fortunately for us, we were able to set an example and help him learn to chase them. Planting away from hedgerows or tree lines could help. If you still seem to be having problems with your geese, or if youre not sure how to handle the problem, consult a professional! Some people have had excellent results with DIY goose decoys, but the truth is that in many cases, they arent realistic enough. While it might seem like a nuisance if you place the goose deterrent light next to your home, if youre creative enough to cover the sides so that the light doesnt get into your house through your windows, it will get the job done properly. A last-ditch effort can be to call a professional pest service. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Zack DeAngelis, the creator of Pest Pointers. When you make them feel threatened or believe that there are better sources of food elsewhere, they should leave the area. One day, I went running after some geese by the pond, and I had Vito running right beside me. Yes, thats true. Even if you arent feeding them directly, your yard may make for a great source of food to them. If you dont have a natural predator like a dog around and dont want to be one yourself, go with the next best thing: a decoy. This is the one time you want your dog to bark! You may unsubscribe at any time. This is in the same vein as using decoys or real-life predators. They can follow your instructions with as little effort as possible. But just remember that a couple of geese will turn into a flock before long. Geese can degrade a yard fairly quickly. Then place each stake about 3-4 feet apart, that way the tape will move in the wind from stake to stake . You can buy predator decoys like this Flambeau Outdoors Lone Howler Coyote Decoy and place them in your yard. This can be achieved in one of two ways. Geese will most often gather near areas of water or in hidden nooks when they are trying to nest in the Spring. The second way to introduce a predator is if you have a family dog. Keeps areas free of geese and goose droppings. P.S. This isnt really a permanent solution to keeping geese away from your pond, but it sure is an effective one. They are often equipped with stakes that make taking them out of the ground almost impossible, just in case a critter attempts to do just that. If you see this happening, you can simply use a rock-filled laundry detergent bottle to scare them away or place a strobe light in that specific area so that it deters them at night. Every time you see them in your yard, take the bottle and throw it toward them. 2. To solve the problem, the corporation plans to import a large number of herding dogs to keep the geese away from the helicopter. 10 Common Coyote Myths Debunked, Do Porpoises Have Teeth? When the grass is taller, it makes the geese feel unsafe. DUCK SPRAY REPELLENT ^. . Although they are a temporary solution, most sonic repellents get the job done. Required fields are marked *. They dont go in our garden. A couple of geese seen in passing makes for a friendly sight. Home 11 Smart Ways to Keep Geese Out of Your Yard. This will not work on rocky areas near water because the geese need to eat it and taste it for it to be effective. What does grape kool-aid have to do with deterring geese? Recommended and used by golf courses. There are multiple approaches you can try to keep geese away from your property. The line should be set at about 12 inches high. As the geese are walking around your yard, just walk towards them shaking the bottle. While a few geese hanging around your property will probably not be much of a problem. . Geese also tend to graze as they walk around. Build a Goose Fence Stop geese from entering your property from the water. I simply pointed, pressed the button and waved the device at them. The main difference here is that when the geese get to the chicken wire, it should keep them out of the yard. Use a DIY goose repellent. This is our goose chaser, Vito. This can make a yard look unkempt, ugly, and bring down the overall aesthetic appeal of the entire property. In fact, little to no geese were nesting in Ohio. There are decoys available, such as a dead goose or an alligator, that should scare the geese away. Your first option is to spray the dock you want to protect with our PEST AWAY. Here are six ideas to keep geese off your lawn. Then use your other arm and wrap it around its body and place the goose close to the side of your body. Subscribe to receive our monthly newsletter, info about classes in your area, product offers and more! They came back after 10 days and I repeated the same intervention. 2. On one acre of land with good grass, you could keep 40 geese, but less fertile pasture may only support 20. If you dont have a dog you can still use loud noises to scare away geese. That's my buddy, Vito. Stop or limit watering and fertilizing in the spring. To repel Canadian geese or any other species, for that matter, you could keep your grass longer than 6 inches. In fact, its the exact formula that gives it its grape taste. If you can, direct your sprinkler heads to go into areas where you notice geese feeding, drinking, sleeping, or trying to nest. Golf courses, sports fields, and lake front properties are particularly difficult to control geese, requiring solutions that can quickly and effortlessly cover vast open areas. Placing a unit into these secure areas makes the geese anxious and they will no longer consider the area safe and will simply move to another suitable habitat within a few days. Remember that geese like open and clear spaces as they can easily survey them and check whether there are any predators that could pose a threat to them. Install a grid of wires above the water's surface to keep the geese from landing on the pond (or on land). These EPA-approved liquids deterrents use food grade ingredients such as grape seed extract to irritate geese. One of the best products you can use to keep geese away is a liquid goose repellent. Things changed in 1956 when the Ohio Division of Wildlife initiated a reintroduction program, bringing 10 pairs of Canada geese to three. A dog can keep geese out of yard places, but there are three ideal breeds that work best for the task. Using a decoy of one or more of their predators can be effective at keeping geese away. Some less natural but also effective goose repellents are: Monofilament line completely enclosing the perimeter of the pond or area you are trying to repel. Thats a comparable viewpoint to what the geese see from above when you use reflective tape. All said, you really cant go wrong with any of these tricks. STEP 1: Add a predator decoy. This site is owned and operated by Pest Pointers LLC | pestpointers.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Free shipping for many products! There are even devices that emit high-pitched noises that only the geese can hear. Run and shout at the geese and it should be enough to disperse them. Buy a fake replica of a predator to scare the birds away. Geese are on your property to either eat or nest and disrupting what they need to do in both of those circumstances will help you repel them. So long as you purchase eye-catching goose deterrent decoys such as those resembling goose predators, you can use this preventative landscape design to your advantage. Calling a professional pest removal service, everything is taken care of pets or animals! 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Effort as possible on a four-wheeler and chase the geese can make life difficult for.! 5 packs of Kool-Aid will cost approximately $ 2.50 why running after them and yelling can life... An alligator, that should scare the birds away the neck ( never by the irritation associated with the..