[18] When the house held bells to summon servants, the spirits of the dead slaves would announce their presence by ringing these bells loudly. He also reported that there is a step as youre heading downstairs from the second floor landing to the first floor that he would misstep on every time. He fretted about labor and real estate costs, marveled at the boom of San Francisco and wrote sadly of the turmoil ripping at the seams of the nation. Through another was the dining room. Through one door, you went into the parlour. It has been featured on A&E, Travel Channel, Ghost Hunters and Haunted Collector. September 17, 1951: Stairway in the Octagon House (aka the McElroy House) . One gentleman, dining with Colonel Tayloe, when this mysterious ringing began, being an unbeliever in mysteries, and a very powerful man, jumped up and caught the bell wires in his hand, but only to be lifted bodily from the floor, while he was unsuccessful in stopping the ringing. It sat below the Verdier Mansion, at 1001 Vallejo Street, where, according to Herb Caen, Sally Stanford ran her brothel at one time. When the British marched into Washington in August 1814, there was a French flag flying outside the Octagon. She was noted for her social gifts, which boosted her husbands popularity as President. Neither one of them were hurt. [16] The other death, stories claim, occurred in 1817 or shortly thereafter. People collect free clothing at a distribution center outside of the badly damaged McElroy Octagon House after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. "The State president of the Colonial Dames, Mrs. Lindley Miller of Hillsborough, has heard the ghost story," the Chronicle reported in 1953, "but [she] figures that the society can always close the house on ghost-walking days.". January 16, 1984: Feusier Octagon House, located at 1067 Green Street, in San Francisco's Russian Hill. None of us know whats on the other side.. The Octagon House, WI (The spirit of Rose at first didnt like having to share the house with the new owner, plus not trusting this owner to make repairs. In reality, there is no documentation to support any of them. Haunted Live S01E01 ~ Into the Fire, Octagon Hall. {"type":"HYBRID","minzoom":false,"maxzoom":false,"types":["ROADMAP","SATELLITE","HYBRID","TERRAIN"],"mappingservice":"googlemaps3","width":"auto","height":"350px","centre":{"text":"","title":"","link":"","lat":38.897613,"lon":-77.04125,"icon":""},"title":"","label":"","icon":"","lines":[],"polygons":[],"circles":[],"rectangles":[],"copycoords":false,"static":false,"visitedicon":"","wmsoverlay":false,"zoom":17,"layers":[],"controls":["pan","zoom","streetview","type"],"zoomstyle":"DEFAULT","typestyle":"DEFAULT","autoinfowindows":false,"resizable":false,"kmlrezoom":false,"poi":true,"cluster":false,"clustergridsize":60,"clustermaxzoom":20,"clusterzoomonclick":true,"clusteraveragecenter":true,"clusterminsize":2,"imageoverlays":[],"kml":[],"gkml":[],"searchmarkers":"","fullscreen":false,"scrollwheelzoom":false,"locations":[]}, The Staircases and Colonel Tayloe's Daughters, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Enamored with the octagon house phenomenon, they set to work building. Kind of a low moan, repeated twice, it wasnt a word just a guttural sound. At the outset, he planned on building a home in Philadelphia since it was closer to Baltimore and other major places of personal interest to Tayloe. The 1880 census shows Harriet and Emma (then 27) living with a 20-year-old doctor and a young laundry worker. She fell into a well and died). The Octagon House, considered to be one of the most haunted places in Fond du Lac, is located in the historic district at 276 Linden Street. At that time, the house was already being rented out to various tenants. The museum is administered by the American Institute of Architects Foundation, and offers self-guided tours, permanent and changing exhibitions, public programming, and guided tours by appointment. Mayor Issac was also very anti-slavery, and decided to live his beliefs by using this new structure for the good of humanity. Isaac was a self-made artisan who built houses for others and also traded with the local tribes. The hours wore quietly on. Witnesses have seen the spirit of the young boy going about his business in different parts of the house. The Tayloe family lived in the house until Annes death in 1855. This is a carousel. The Octagon opened as a museum in 1970. The McElroy Octagon House in San Francisco's Cow Hollow neighborhood is one of two octagon houses in the city and just a handful of survivors from around the nation. Would love your thoughts, please comment. She is a very popular ghost in Washington, D.C., and is said to haunt several buildings around town. The three-story brick house, adapted to an irregular-shaped lot, displays a dramatic break with the traditional, late Georgian and early Federal house planning that preceded it. Nothing about the ghosts of the daughters appears before 1908, and none of the Tayloes' daughters died in the Octagon. The next year, work began. Nine of them, to be exact, such as the false fireplace in the parlor that conceals a small wooden stairway. The legend, which made its first appearance in a 1908 article run by the Minneapolis Tribune, has appeared on TV shows, and in numerous ghost books, and usually follows a story-line similar to this: Two of Colonel Tayloe's daughters are said to haunt The Octagon. Doors open and shut by themselves, without help from the living or the wind. Virginia Tayloe Lewis, a granddaughter of John Tayloe III, grew up in the house and recorded this family memory in an unpublished manuscript: "The bells rang for a long time after my Grandfather Tayloe's death, and every one said that the house was haunted; the wires were cut and still they rang Our dining room servant would come upstairs to ask if anyone rang the bell, and no one had. The house, which was owned by PG&E, was sold and moved across the street to its current location. In 1909 Emma died, and the house changed hands a few times over the next 15 years before PG&E scooped it up. Paranormal and strange occurrences have been witnessed by the living. After the trial and acquittal she mysteriously disappeared, and was never again heard of.. There are a number of ghostly legends at the Octagon that deal with its early history as a gathering place for the elite of Washington. He inherited his wealth and expanded greatly on his fathers empire. Footfalls are heard on the steps when no one alive is there. In 1982 there was a report that the Washington D.C. Police had been involved in some problems with the Octagon, in which in the evening when all the employees had gone home and the house had been locked up tight, lights out, windows closed, that about 10, 11 oclock at night the police would be going by the front, door would be standing open, some upstairs windows would be open with curtains flying out, and that happened several times. Source: [http://dcmemorialist.com/wp-content/gallery/octagon-house/2015-04-24-13.45.40.jpg]. He participated until the slaves were free by President Abraham Lincolns famous Emancipation Proclamation. Every November 24, the neighborhood legend went, a person could be heard creaking up the staircase in the middle of the house. Evelyn, Douglas E.; Dickson, Paul; and Ackerman, S.J. His parents provided for his wife and child after his death. Southwest Wisconsin Paranormal Group has caught substantial hard evidence, and have proclaimed that the Octagon House is very haunted indeed. While the spirit people dont seem to mind sharing with living people, as they have done so for over 100 years, co-existing with spectral housemates is an acquired taste, and not welcomed by potential buyers of this property so far. The earliest variant of the Bells Legend is purported to have been recorded in the diary of a daughter of President Monroe, Maria Hester Monroe Gouveneur. The lot was in open country west of the partly built President's House, about 1mi. At the hour of midnight, as I and two others were crossing the threshold of a room on the second floor, three feminine shrieks rose from the center of the room. In widowhood, she often lived in poverty, partially relieved by the sale of her late husbands papers. Also added to the basic 1856 structure was a wrap around porch that at some point was enclosed, perhaps to create more living space. A young lady on her wedding night is killed in a freak accident when he Creepy Tales from Old Alexandria, VA Alexandria, Virginia, has an exciting place in history, and especially when it comes to the ghosts that haunt every corner of this city, it seems. Some of the most pervasive ghost stories associated with the Octagon House have to do with Colonel Tayloe's daughters. During the Civil War, Edmund Brown had enlisted with the Union Army, leaving his wife and three children to hold the fort so to speak. Unexplained Research LLC The haunted Octagon House waswritten about in Chad Lewis & Terry Fisks BOOK, THE WISCONSIN ROAD GUIDE TO HAUNTED LOCATIONS, who are paranormal investigators for Unexplained Research LLC. The Tayloes owned hundreds of slaves, and had between 12 and 18 who worked at the Octagon. My theory is that the spirit of Rose was angry at first because the living turned out to be dolts, neglecting her house. Solomon, Mary Jane; Ruben, Barbard; and Aloisi, Rebecca. The party were dispersed from garret to cellar. Sources: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/de/OctagonHouse-Washington-DC_DSC6648.jpg/1280px-OctagonHouse-Washington-DC_DSC6648.jpg]. This daughter, too, fell to her death down the stairs (or over the railing), and her shade is alleged to haunt the third floor landing and stairs between the second and third floors. The servants' bells are no longer in the house and there are no reports of their continuing to ring today. It was stated that every November 24th, a ghost could be heard falling down the steps to the first landing. When the entity reached the 20th step, it let out an unearthly scream and a thump resounded through the home, like a body falling to the first floor. For sixty-seventy years, many families lived here and called it home. September 17, 1951 article showed the damage that the Octagon House. November 2, 1952: The Octagon House on Gough Street, between Green and Union Street, in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. Paranormal The Octagon Hall is widely regarded as one of the most haunted places in the South. When Cyprus told him that there wasnt, the doctor looked perplexed and told him of encountering a man on the stairs just a few moments before who had been dressed in a military uniform of the early 1800s. Marlene Hanson also held events, dinners and other planned programs here, putting this old house to work; bringing in needed funds to keep maintaining it and making improvements as well. The first initial reports of hauntings of the Octagon House were said to date back as early as 1888. This house and its land has long had a history of many uses, strong emotions, adventures and probably a few deaths. The 1941 book Ghosts that Still Walk: Real Ghosts of America, by Marion Lowndes, describes ghostly receptions held by Dolley, states that Dolley has been sighted in the front hall, and says that the smell of lilacs is noticeable whenever Dolley is present. When the NSCDA renovated it in the early 1950s, they decided to take out the first-floor walls, opening up the claustrophobic floor plan and moving the central staircase to the back of the house. One night, nearly a dozen men were said to have spent the night here with the intent to scare off any of the spirits that may have occupied the house. He commissioned William Thornton, who was also responsible for designing the U.S. Capitol building, to design the home for him. ", "Friends and reason ascribed it to the electricity while fable told the tale of an old white woman in Virginia who made a request of said Mr. Tayloe, which he refused. Octagon House, WI (Three of the Edmund Brown children died probably from disease. As word got around of his intent to build, William Augustine Washington III (who was married to Tayloes sister Sarah) persuaded John to construct the home on the outskirts of what was Washington D.C. at the time. Octagon House, WI (Ruth Brown suffered not only the death of Edmund, but three of her children, and the eventual loss of her house. William moved in the 1850s from Virginia, setting up shop as a miller. Scott was one of the 1st purchasers of lots in the newly platted capital. The oldest recording of the spirit of the First Lady is from 1912, when the Washington Herald reported that between midnight and dawnthere is a low hum of pleasant conversation, the sound of silver and the clink of glasses as a splendid company with gay liveried men drive up and take away the departing guests, in reference to the ghostly continuation of one of Dolleys famous parties. The home stayed in the McElroy family for 50 years. Today, fewer than 70 octagon homes still stand in America, and the McElroy Octagon House is among the ones that offer tours. Unfortunately, Edmund was killed in the Civil WarBattle of Antietam. Dolley and James Madison resided in the Octagon House from September of 1814 through March of 1815, after the White House was burned by the British. The sound of rustling silk is to be heard on the main staircase, the hanging lamp in the main hallway swings by itself, there is a spot at the foot of the main staircase that one is forced to avoid, and one curator is reported to have found the tiptoeing tracks of human feet in the undisturbed dust of the top floor landing (John Sherwood, The Evening Star, 1965). TheMcElroyOctagon House in San Francisco was badly damaged by the 1906 earthquake and had to be rebuilt. By this time, it was the centerpiece of a roughly 60,000 acre department of interdependent plantation farms-known as the Mount Airy department, located approximately one hundred miles south of Washington, D.C., in Richmond County, Virginia. The current owner suggests that the Carriage House could also be a place for one or both aging parents to live; or becoming a suite for relatives or company. Ghost Dimension s01e07 ~ The Old Glen & Milner Curse (2016) 4 . A few thousand homes were built around the nation before people realized its problems. In September, 1814, after the British destroyed the White House during the War of 1812, for six months the Octagon House served as the residence of United States president James Madison and first lady Dolley Madison. The Octagon House, as it came to be known, was completed in 1801 in the very early days of the new federal city. Tayloe was also a relative of George Washington, who was made well aware of Tayloes plans to construct the home. However, the 1970s owner did manage to get this Octagon House listed on the National Register of Historic Places, on November 3rd, 1972, before the state took ownership of this as is fixer-upper opportunity, and put it on the market at a reduced price. Aside from the ridiculous floor plan, the inexpensive homes were made of lime and concrete, a combination that was apt to crack in freezing weather and collapse entirely in natural disasters. Inside was a trove of papers that finally answered the question: Who on earth would build a house this strange? Participants were never disappointed. The McElroys rented it to many families, but the most famous was poet and journalist Daniel OConnell. Children who die from accident or disease, sometimes choose to stay in a structure in this world where they felt love and support. Use the form below to suggest edits. The Octagon House, also known as the Colonel John Tayloe III House, built in 1799 and located at 1799 New York Avenue, Northwest in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Variants of these stories appeared again in newspapers in 1892 and 1908. September 17, 1951: Stairway in the Octagon House (aka the McElroy House) . When First Lady Dolley Madison fled the city as the British approached, she sent her pet parrot to the French consulate at the Octagon for safekeeping. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/de/OctagonHouse-Washington-DC_DSC6648.jpg/1280px-OctagonHouse-Washington-DC_DSC6648.jpg, http://dcmemorialist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OctagonHouse.jpg, http://dcmemorialist.com/wp-content/gallery/octagon-house/2015-04-24-13.45.40.jpg, The Old Stone House: D.C.s Oldest Haunted House. A lot of TLC was showered on this historic home by the current owner, Helen Hanson for forty plus years. Her spectre is allegedly seen crumpled at the bottom of the steps or on the stairs near the second floor landing, and sometimes exhibits itself as the light of a candle moving up the staircase. Eyes stare out from the dark in the cellar where the hidden tunnel enters the house. Van Rensselaer, Maunsell (1888). "Return to Powhatan Growing up in Old Virginia," by Roberta Love Tayloe (1985) p.6-12,19. Free docent-led tours are available on the second Sunday and second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Many visitors recall feeling cold spots and strange feelings as they ascended or descended the stairwell. To protect his family and his livelihood, Brown hired designer, Orson Fowler and built his home in 1856, on the grounds near an Indian village, and an 1814 trading post, fort, and a settlement house. It was easier to condemn it and repurpose the land for a better use. The home needed extensive renovations. The house was once the temporary home of then-President James Madison and his wife Dolley as the White House was undergoing reconstruction due to the fire that burned a good portion of the building and Washington in general during the War of 1812. She is said to have written that in Washington the Octagon was generally thought to be haunted because of the violent and unexplained ringing of the service bells. Ghost hunters say some of the soldiers who invaded never left. PG&E bought the property in 1904, not for its curiosity value, but because it might be a good site for a substation. Her tenants had to live around the antiques until Marleen could make the transformation of the Octagon House from museum to a private living space. Series, American Pickers filmed here and bought some of her items, relieving her of some treasures. This 1856 octagon-shaped house has one and a half stories, grout walls covered with stucko, four dormers and a central chimney. The house had to be rebuilt this time with wood walls before tenants could move back in. A maintenance man in 1981 was on the second floor landing one night and heard a noise on the first floor. Local dressmaker and antiques dealer, Marlene Hanson bought the property with days to spare, without even seeing the inside of it. Apparently, the school authorities and the state of Wisconsin werent concerned about a historic home that needed so much restoring. Spirit of another young boy from another family also died by accident or illness). Ann Ogle Tayloe lived in the Octagon until her death in 1855. The story as related is that the crazed lover committed suicide by leaping over the balustrade from the top landing, falling to the hard, stone floor below.. In 1898, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) selected the Octagon to be their new national headquarters. When she returned home to reconcile with her father, they argued on the third-floor landing. Another explanation is that the eight angles formed by the odd shape of the six walls are an old definition of an octagon. A newspaper of the account included a reference to the legend of the bells. Inside this unique historical structure there are twelve rooms, and two full bathrooms; seven rooms on the ground floor, and four rooms upstairs. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Edwin joined his friend Edward Bragg on the battlefield fighting for the Union. Three dozen newspaper clippings, mostly about the outbreak of the Civil War, were tucked inside, as was a tintype of the McElroy family: husband William and wife Harriet (a very good Looking old Couple, William jokingly wrote) and daughter Emma. [14] Though the main room is a circle, one possibility is that it resembled octagonal rooms common in England, which were also circles but called octagon salons because they were constructed of eight walls and then plastered heavily in the corners to make a circle. Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr, Visit the memorable Milwaukee Haunted Hotel, 2004-2023 HauntedHouses.com | All rights reserved unless noted otherwise, Haunted Houses Find Real Haunted Houses, Explore Hauntings and Halloween Attractions, The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted Locations, THE WISCONSIN ROAD GUIDE TO HAUNTED LOCATIONS, by Chad Lewis & Terry Fisk. But he remained loyal to his country in the War of 1812 serving as a Colonel in the Virginia Militia, and later on, in the Virginia State Senate. The servants bells are no longer in the house, so there are no reports of their continuing to ring today. The Coade stone, stoves, other decorative elements, and furniture were imported from England. January 16, 1984: Interior of the Octagon House, aka the McElroy House, located on Gough Street, between Green and Union Streets in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. At one point, the house served as a school and even was used by the U.S. government throughout the 1870s before it was later reverted back to a private residence for families. It sat below the Verdier Mansion, at 1001 Vallejo Street, where, according to Herb Caen, Sally Stanford ran her brothel at one time. When Marlene bought the Octagon House property, she thought she was buying it for the preservation group; Save the Octagon House Committee, but that proved not to be the case.. "[20], By 1874 the bell legend was well established. The butler, in a state of great alarm, rushed into the dining-room and declared that it was the work of an unseen hand. Theyve heard the sounds of the Brown children playing more than 150 years after they occupied the home. Haunted Live S01E04 ~ Caught in the Crossfire, Lotz House. 2023 Copyright DC Ghosts. It is documented that several soldiers from both sides, never physically left this property. Virginia Tayloe Lewis, a granddaughter of John Tayloe III, grew up in the house, and recorded this family memorate in an unpublished manuscript: "The bells rang for a long time after my Grandfather Tayloes death, and every one said that the house was haunted; the wires were cut and still they rang Our dining room servant would come upstairs to ask if anyone rang the bell, and no one had.". From all quarters the party rushed Too brave to desert, yet cowards at heart, we watched the gray light of morning dawn, and each man of us thanked God his night among ghosts was past. Alpine Park is on the left. By the 1950s, property records were long lost and it was a city mystery as to who built an eight-sided home, among the rarest in America and just one of two left in San Francisco. Dolley Madison is prominent in these legends because she was well known as a hostess during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Updates have been made, including electrical, mechanicals, central air and a new roof. There are gorgeous hardwood floors throughout the house. The spiritsof the Brown children are stillplaying here and having fun; with each other, teasing the dog, touching people and cooperating with investigators. Elizabeth Ford, in her 1957 article Lively Ghost, Secret Tunnel at Octagon exhibited a definitely skeptical attitude when she wrote that: an octaroon, contrary to her wishes, was buried alive inside the walls. Here's how to claim a chunk of $725 million case, Taxes are due Tuesday in only 3 of 58 California counties, It can work: Plans for an SF-LA night train are underway, Bay Area city at risk of devastation when overdue earthquake hits, Thousands of unusual sea creatures wash up on Bay Area beaches, Horoscope for Tuesday, 4/18/23 by Christopher Renstrom, BLACKPINK's genius Coachella set turned me into a BLINK, Kings fans are playing with fire against the Warriors, Kings announcer vents misplaced outrage over TV promo, Authorities investigate video showing man harassing SF sea lions. By that time, the neighborhood around the house had changed significantly as factories and breweries filled the Foggy Bottom waterfront. Its rich history and important location mark it as a location with many layers to unfold, some no doubt including unhappy spirits that linger on. President James Madison and his wife, Dolley moved into the Octagon on September 8, 1814, after the burning of the White House by the British. She identifies the murderer, however, as one of the Tayloe boys, a young blood with his fathers passion for horses and a few passions of his own for gambling and wenching.. General Ramsay immediately arose from the table to investigate, but failed to unravel the mystery. Tayloe owned a quadroon slave, of whom he was very fond. Located at 2548 Gough Street, between Union and Green Streets in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. The Misses Riley, three sisters who rented it from 1903 until last year [1951] for $35 a month lived like recluses, their high button shoes, chokers and courtly manners illuminated by flickering gas fixtures. Both John and Ann were buried at Mount Airy. The legend appears again in 1975, in Ghosts: Washingtons Most Famous Ghost Stories by John Alexander. January 18, 1984: Bathroom in the Feusier Octagon House, located at 1067 Green Street in San Francisco's Russian Hill. However, after forty years, it got to be too much so Helen Hanson closed her museum. As others had already discovered, the lime-and-cement walls were not built to last. His first problem was to plan a house that would fit the lot, the south side of which was cut away on the bias by the diagonal of New York Ave. It sits at the intersection of 18th Street, NW and New York Avenue. The Octagon House still serves as the Lombardis' private residence, but it is open seasonally for guided tours. Ogle Tayloe lived in poverty, partially relieved by the odd shape of the Tayloes owned hundreds of,! Up the staircase in the Octagon House phenomenon, they argued on the steps when one... A few thousand homes were built around the nation before people realized its problems House. Middle of the partly built President 's House, located at 1067 Green Street between. 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