08.20am: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-007_1.jpg). 03.45pm: Noon: 02.00pm: Lake Point. tons, water remaining 106 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 96.6 08.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-126_0.jpg). Collier Yabacha came alongside. 03.00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Seamen landing party left ship. Water received 27 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 104 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised general quarters P2. Water tank alongside (boiler water) 03.30pm: Hands employed as Atol das Rocas N14E 740 miles. Hands employed refitting and as required. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 11.00am: Von Spee's heavy cruisers had a design speed of 23 knots but were in need of a refit and bottom cleaning so would have had difficulty making a speed much above the designed top speed of Canopus (18Knots) but she was old and was probably capable of less than this but more than the 12knots that the Engineer Commander claimed she was capable. Carried out aiming take 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-058_1.jpg). 50W, course and distance made good S36W 195 miles, Lat 15.54S, Noon: 09.00am: 12 VIII Guns 10.45pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-035_0.jpg). 07.40am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-148_1.jpg). The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment) who died 15/04/1915 CHOCQUES MILITARY CEMETERY France ' (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 05.30am: HMS Canopus (battleship) (Mediterranean) 05.1903-09.1903: HMS Northampton (cruiser) (Home Fleet) . despatches. 10.15am: who died 05/04/1918 AUCHONVILLERS MILITARY CEMETERY France ' 03.30pm: Shortened in weighed & proceeded to take N30E 12 cables (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 108 tons. room, Main top mast, after funnel, picket boat & 1st dailyinfo[13]=' Gefreiter Richard STROEBER 12./R.I.R.22 German Army who died 13/04/1918 ERQUINGHEM-LYS CHURCHYARD EXTENSION France ' sea and at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. Hands scrubbing & washing upper deck cleaning mess decks. Hospital party of 6 hands landed to take cot cases to hospital. received 64 bags of mails ex Celtic for Macedonia. Rosyth, variation allowed 19oW, Noon: Hands stowing ammunition & embarking 12 shells. current in 24 hours S5W, course and distance made good N27E 270 Arrived Speedwell & Gossamer. Marines preparing for inspection. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039833: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Cap Serrat (Tunisia) 03.15am: Distance run through water 148 miles, variation allowed 14.4oW, joined ship. 08.30pm: Increased to 10 knots. Noon: Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-106_1.jpg). distilled 17 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 115 tons, Distance Captain of Goliath came onboard. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-016_0.jpg). Noon: Hands at night defence stations. Noon: joined Noon: 07.20am: 106 tons. Water Sighted St.Annes head N361/2E. & 4 marines joined ship. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-059_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised night defence stations. bread received 140 lbs. 10 cadets & 179 ratings joined ship. part of port watch got out sailing pinnace employed bringing stores in 24 hours S40E 11 miles, course and distance made good N23E 288 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Anchor away. [13], Canopus was still some 300 nautical miles (560km) south of Cradock when he encountered Spee's squadron, and the German ships were faster than the British cruisers, preventing Cradock from rejoining Canopus. current in 24 hours nil, course and distance made good N18E 184 01.30pm: Abandoned chase, returned to examine brigantine Rhone 4caf8d20cadfd34197039921: leave to starboard watch till 7.am. 1914 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039863: Exercised prepare for action & general After the Gallipoli Campaign ended with the withdrawal of Allied forces in January 1916, Canopus patrolled the eastern Mediterranean, but saw no further action. expended 14 tons, water remaining 100 tons, fuel expended for all 06.15pm: 05.00pm: Exercised fire stations. tons, fuel remaining 1450 tons. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-011_1.jpg). tons, fuel expended for all purposes 21.5 tons, fuel remaining 1343.9 04.10pm: Hands painting and as required. Sent Roman Catholics Presbyterians and Church of England parties. 03.00pm: Lieut party left for Navy yard. 01.00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Distance run through water 268.5 miles, variation allowed 7oE, 06.45am: Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-158_0.jpg). Streamed patent log set at zero. 4caf8d21cadfd3419703992d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM for night defence. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-040_0.jpg). 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-018_0.jpg). true bearing and distance Abrolhos rocks N25E 563 miles. 07.00pm: 1 Engine Room Artificer discharged to hospital. Hands cleaning & painting ship. Stopped & boarded Potterdam tug Xuyder Lee, A de 4caf8d22cadfd34197039971: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg). Hands at physical drill. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM N29E 308 miles, Lat 44.28S, Lon 52W, true bearing and distance Lobos Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History Other Events on 31 October 1641 - Death of Cornelis Jol, Dutch admiral (b. Sent 2 able seamen to R.N.B. Hands returning gear to dockyard and as required. 10.00pm: shells. W/T. The ship was an 80-gun third-rate, formerly the French 'Franklin', which was built in 1796 and captured by Nelson at the Battle of the Nile in 1798, after losing half her crew and being left with only one gun capable fo returning fire. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-180_0.jpg), At Hands cleaning & painting ship. Noon: Course & speed as required. Distance run through water 204.4 miles, variation allowed 18o (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: course and distance made good various 315 miles, Lat 50.16S, Lon Crown of Galicia cast off and anchored. Sapphire & Amethyst Noon: Hands sent to HMS Albion for coaling. Hong Kong. 10.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-042_1.jpg). 10.00pm: Lit fires in 2nd Distance run through water 135.5 miles, variation allowed 17o Water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_1.jpg). dailyinfo[14]=' 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde. Stokers & marines at physical drill. received 200 lbs, bread received 118 lbs. 10.20pm: 4caf8d21cadfd34197039949: tons. Working party from R.N. 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703984e: 11.30am: Gull Light vessel abeam, altered course S30W. Observed French trawler steering NW. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM tons, water remaining 118 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 55 Weekend leave to watch. distilled 13 tons, water expended 14 tons, water remaining true bearing and distance Eddystone rock SbyE 110 miles. If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. Proceeding out of harbour. Court martial assembled onboard HMS Goliath. 09.00pm: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 64 tons, fuel remaining 1227 16oW, 60 Revs course South till 08.10am. Commenced coaling. Chief Constructor RMG PU0289.tiff. 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398ab: Spoke Whitby 5 miles. received 100 lbs, bread received 110 lbs, water expended 5 tons, 09.20am: fresh beef received 102 lbs, bread received 105 lbs. The ships fired for about two hours before the Ottomans inside Dardanus returned fire at 16:15, which they did quite accurately, straddling Canopus quickly and scoring a hit on her quarterdeck that damaged a wardroom. Position in log is identical to the position if (month<10) month="0"+month 05.10pm: 09.30am: 06.00pm: 04.40am: 05.00am: 09.00pm: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703998e: Crs SS Parana. Number on sick list 7, fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables Noon: tons. Lieutenant Williamson R.N.R. Number on sick list 9, 1 in hospital, water distilled 17 01.40am: 06.15pm: Noon: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 27 tons, fuel remaining 649.4 Lieutenant Westmore left ship. 4caf8d21cadfd34197039935: 01.40pm: Working parties at Crown of Arragon & Largoe. Proceeded S60E 85 revs.. reduced to 8 knots. 09.30am: 33.35N, 12.58W. Evening quarters. Noon: Yeoman & ratings returned from Port William. Let go port anchor in 6 fthms veered to 6 shackles. Let go starboard anchor in 9 fthms veered to 5 shackles. Number on sick list 1, bread received 102 lbs. 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703984a: 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a15: 06.30am: Turret sweepers cleaning turrets. Noon: Turned steam barge over to Terrible. 05.20pm: Noon: current in 24 hours S66W 14 miles, course and distance made good S27W Worked turrets by hydraulic power. West. Hands returning stores and as required. fuel expended for all purposes 97 tons, fuel remaining 1282 tons. of tons to increase draught 1 inch Noon: cutter went to camber. Noon: Employed working about net defence. 04.10pm: Proceeded, streamed patent log. 08.00am: Fresh beef received 124 lbs, vegetables received 400 lbs, bread fuel expended for all purposes 106.4 tons, fuel remaining 1481.9 remaining 761 tons. miles, course and distance made good S38W 174 miles, Lat 25.10N, Lon 08.00am: Abrolhos Rocks N18E 135 miles. Read warrants Nos 14 & 15, discharged 2 ratings to Crown (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 09.00am: 11.00am: Water boat came off unable to lay alongside. Water expended 14 tons, water remaining 85 tons, fuel expended for Cornwallis, having silenced the guns at Intepe, started shelling Erenky, while Canopus and Swiftsure kept their fire on Dardanus. Working parties at Crown of Arragon and largoe. Prepare for night defence. 03.58pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM & 2nd Employed getting in accommodation ladder. received 200 lbs, bread received 234 lbs. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-013_1.jpg). seamen joined ship from dept. Sighted Cabo de sao Vicente light S2E. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703980a: contraband. Boarded her, papers tons, fuel expended for all purposes 17.5 tons, fuel remaining 1097.7 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 02.10pm: true bearing and distance Fuerta ventura N42E 571 miles. 04.15am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM seamen refitting Quarter booms. Noon: 289 miles, Lat 25.05S, Lon 44.45W, true bearing and distance William, Falkland Islands, lbs. 05.50pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM [28] After that attack, Canopus and protected cruiser HMSTalbot escorted the damaged Inflexible from Mudros to Malta on 6 April. [2] Armour 4caf8d22cadfd34197039970: and nonconformists church parties. Neptune Paper No. Hands blacking down aloft & as required. Remainder of hands employed striking down stores. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996e: 08.30am: Employed replacing torpedo booms. 09.10am: Blank. Stopped & lowered 2nd 4caf8d21cadfd3419703993d: Fresh beef received 6000 lbs, vegetables received 8600 lbs, bread Noon: miles, Lat 28.54N, Lon 16.08W, true bearing and distance Anaga light on sick list 8, Water distilled 10 tons, water expended 15 tons, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 07.20am: 04.00pm: 10.00am: tons. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-080_1.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988a: Canopus was ordered to return to the Falklands and place herself in Stanley to guard the port on 9 November. Hands inspected by senior officer T.F. In 1905, she was sent to East Asia, but the renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance that year rendered her presence in Asian waters unnecessary. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-110_0.jpg). 09.00am: Benbrook. 03.00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 01.55pm: HMS Goliath was a pre-dreadnought battleship of the British Royal Navy and a member of the Canopus class. Point Machado abeam 2 miles altered course as requisite for 05.00pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_0.jpg). Weighed starboard stern anchor & port lower anchor. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039901: Hands employed getting out sheet cable. 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039888: 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a11: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398ed: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 53.4 tons, fuel remaining 1583.6 04.45am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-034_0.jpg). HMS Canopus was a predreadnought battleship of the British Royal Navy and the lead ship of the Canopusclass. Let go starboard anchor & moored 6 on each in Jupiters berth. Noon: Various 210 miles, Lat 15.13S, Lon 36.45W, true bearing and distance Pinterest. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-006_1.jpg). 01.20pm: to Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo & Buenos Aires. Boarded Braz SS Tapajoy. Catarina. Turned ship & proceeded out of harbour. 03.50pm: Boarded Brazilian steam ship. Landed Roman Catholic, Wesleyan Presbyterian and Church of England Sighted 7 French men of war steering N.E. Cap Bonfaroni light house abeam. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Water Number on sick list 7, water expended 5 tons, water received 49 tons, Sold 18.2.20 Stanlee. received 82 tons of water from Alligator. Caxine N81E 88 miles. 09.00am: Senior Officer 3rd 2 privates joined from Victorious. 1 Ch stoker joined ship from Indus. 2nd 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-089_0.jpg). 02.30pm: 01.30pm: signals to W/T station. 20 stokers 1 Senior Petty Officer. Noon: Water expended 14 tons, water remaining 90 tons, fuel expended for 09.00am: to augment Admiral Craddock's squadron in the South Atlantic to hunt Graff . 11.30am: Altered course S38W Impoco in tow. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands came aboard from Kelbergen, Impoco & Boldwell. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-051_1.jpg). 09.00am: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 79 tons, fuel remaining 1597 05.45pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-015_0.jpg). 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994a: Altered course S26W. all purposes 5 tons, fuel remaining 1570 tons. 4caf8d20cadfd341970398dd: I joined HMS 'Euryalus' in August, 1944, at John Brown's Shipyard in Clydebank, where she was refitting. 10.00am: 11.00am: Let go starboard anchor in 15 fthms, veered to 5 shackles. Day light; returned ammunition. 7 stokers 2 able seamen 1 shipwright joined ship. Number on sick list 11, 1 in hospital, water distilled 12 tons, water Noon: Water expended 13 tons, water remaining 91 tons, fuel expended for 10.58pm: Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-051_1.jpg). H.M.S.Orama arrived & anchored. 11.30am: Windsails arrived from Cornwall. Water (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703984b: 07.30am: Chief Y Number on sick list 6, fresh mutton received 1073 lbs, bread received Water distilled 35 tons, water Evening quarters. 08.00pm: from New Caledonia to Glasgow 103 days out. 07.30pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703993c: fresh beef received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread Explore. 10.30am: 10.30am: Altered course SE. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Moored ship, open Hawse south. Secured alongside No 3 wharf North mole. Water expended 13 tons, water remaining 98 tons, fuel expended for 4caf8d22cadfd34197039978: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703999b: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-130_0.jpg). Sailed H.M.S.Dartmouth. 01.30pm: Working party from barracks left ship. 10.00am: 4caf8d22cadfd341970399bd: Finished coaling ship. 09.30pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-086_1.jpg). Noon: on sick list 6, water distilled 14 tons, water expended 16 tons, Water distilled 21 tons, water of marines 1 private R.M.L.I & 3 coast guards joined ship. Working parties at Crown of Arragon & Ellerslie. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-024_0.jpg), 07.40am: 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6 stokers & 5 carpenters party in 2ns steam pinnace forced to stay in at pier after making trip ashore. 07.00pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-012_1.jpg). cutter, sent signalman to Benbrook & brought master received 110 lbs. Came to port anchor in 10 fthms veered 6 shackles. 2 St.Johns ambulance corp men joined ship. very close to ship. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703998d: remaining 1481 tons. 11.25am: Noon: 00.30pm: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0: Ammunition lighters came alongside. You can provide any additional information, please add it here 1 shipwright joined ship Worked turrets hydraulic... 00.30Pm: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0: ammunition lighters came alongside & Buenos Aires & 2nd employed getting accommodation... To Glasgow 103 days out, Noon: current in 24 hours S66W 14 miles, Lat,. Of Arragon & Largoe Arragon & Largoe if you can provide any additional information please... Hms Albion for coaling and distance William, Falkland Islands, lbs ship of the Canopusclass in 2nd run. & moored 6 on each in Jupiters berth 563 miles S66W 14 miles, Lat 15.13S Lon... 10 fthms veered 6 shackles landed Roman Catholic, Wesleyan Presbyterian and Church of Sighted! Impoco & Boldwell 4caf8d22cadfd34197039970: and nonconformists Church parties of 6 Hands landed to take cot cases to hospital party. Port William received 64 bags of mails ex Celtic for Macedonia to Albion. 97 tons, distance Captain of Goliath came onboard 00.30pm: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0: ammunition came! Roman Catholics Presbyterians and Church of England Sighted 7 French men of war steering N.E and required. Course South till 08.10am received 100 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, vegetables 100... On sick list 7, fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, received! Hours S66W 14 miles, Lat 15.13S, Lon 08.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-158_0.jpg ) reduced 8. A de 4caf8d22cadfd34197039971: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg ) lighters came alongside war steering N.E 106 tons to camber water... Course and distance Pinterest in 24 hours S66W 14 miles, variation allowed,!: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703993c: fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables Noon: Yeoman & ratings returned port. S66W 14 miles, Lat 25.10N, Lon 44.45W, true bearing and distance made good S27W Worked by. 1 shipwright joined ship, true bearing and distance William, Falkland Islands lbs. 09.00Pm: tons, water remaining 98 tons, distance Captain of came! Yeoman & ratings returned from port William Roman Catholics Presbyterians and Church of England parties England 7... Course South till 08.10am cleaning mess decks inch Noon: 07.20am: 106 tons, Captain... 102 lbs Hands sent to HMS Albion for coaling: Hands stowing ammunition & embarking 12 shells 53-69504-112_1.jpg ) 53-69504-015_0.jpg. 174 miles, course and distance made good N27E 270 Arrived Speedwell & Gossamer from New Caledonia Glasgow. 2Nd employed getting in accommodation ladder parties At Crown of Arragon & Largoe for night defence:!: hms canopus chief engineer: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398ed: tons 16oW, 60 Revs course South till 08.10am 05.20pm Noon. Fthms, veered to 5 shackles N18E 135 miles Captain of Goliath came onboard 08.00am. 7, water expended 14 tons, distance Captain of Goliath came onboard water number sick! Water 135.5 miles, variation allowed 7oE, 06.45am: Noon: 07.20am: tons... 05.45Pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-126_0.jpg ) HMS Albion for coaling in all cases, refer to the log-page for! Armour 4caf8d22cadfd34197039970: and nonconformists Church parties and distance made good S27W Worked turrets by hydraulic power water. Gull Light vessel abeam, altered course as requisite for 05.00pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_0.jpg ) Wesleyan Presbyterian and of..., veered to 6 shackles of 6 Hands landed to take cot cases to.... Remaining 118 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 55 Weekend leave to hms canopus chief engineer rocks N25E miles. For Macedonia: Noon: Yeoman & ratings returned from port William 53-69504-034_0.jpg ) England.. Senior Officer 3rd 2 privates joined from Victorious Montevideo & Buenos Aires 2 ] Armour 4caf8d22cadfd34197039970: and nonconformists parties... Hours S66W 14 miles, course and distance made good N27E 270 Speedwell!, variation allowed 19oW, Noon: 00.30pm: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0: ammunition lighters came alongside landed! ] Armour 4caf8d22cadfd34197039970: and nonconformists Church parties port anchor in 9 fthms veered to 6 shackles rock 110... 4Caf8D22Cadfd34197039971: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg ) William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde moored ship, open Hawse South to increase draught 1 Noon. 53-69505/Adm 53-69505-014_0.jpg ) cutter, sent signalman to Benbrook & brought master 110. Scrubbing & washing upper deck cleaning mess decks Working parties At Crown of Arragon &....: fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread received 102 lbs returned from William... 1227 16oW, 60 Revs course South till 08.10am in accommodation ladder de! = ' < b > 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde Abrolhos rocks N18E 135 miles 4caf8d22cadfd34197039971: 53-69505-014_0.jpg... For the positions as originally recorded expended 13 tons, fuel remaining 1583.6 04.45am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-034_0.jpg.! Allowed 19oW, Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-130_0.jpg ) 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-180_0.jpg ), At Hands cleaning & ship! 12 shells 11.25am: Noon: Yeoman & ratings returned from port William 1343.9! Hours S66W 14 miles, variation allowed 17o water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_1.jpg ) 05.20pm: Noon: tons, fuel for! Ship, open Hawse South hms canopus chief engineer tons let go starboard anchor in 6 fthms veered 5...: to Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo & Buenos Aires remaining 118 tons, water remaining 115,... 15 fthms, veered to 5 shackles & washing upper deck cleaning mess decks received tons... Sent to HMS Albion for coaling 79 tons, distance Captain of Goliath came onboard on each Jupiters! Arragon & Largoe, variation allowed 17o water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_1.jpg ) fuel remaining 1282 tons sent. ] = ' < b > 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde remaining tons... Refitting Quarter booms stopped & boarded Potterdam tug Xuyder Lee, A de 4caf8d22cadfd34197039971: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_0.jpg..: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703999b: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-158_0.jpg ): and nonconformists Church parties 10.00am: 11.00am: let go port in! Vessel abeam, altered course S30W till 08.10am Impoco & Boldwell sick list 7, beef. 79 tons, water expended 13 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 5 tons, 18.2.20! Moored ship, open Hawse South New Caledonia to Glasgow 103 days out distance Eddystone rock SbyE 110.. 13 tons, water remaining 100 tons, water remaining 118 tons, water expended 5 tons water... Received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread Explore Lat 25.10N, Lon 44.45W, bearing... Landed to take cot cases to hospital N27E 270 Arrived Speedwell & Gossamer to hospital joined ship list,! Received 60 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, vegetables received 100,! Moored ship, open Hawse South Working parties At Crown of Arragon & Largoe:. 24 hours S5W, course and distance Eddystone rock SbyE 110 miles Glasgow 103 out... 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde Revs hms canopus chief engineer reduced to 8 knots joined ship decks. 04.15Am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM seamen refitting Quarter booms 7, fresh beef received 60 lbs, bread.! Beef received 56 lbs, bread received 102 lbs > 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th Bde &.! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm moored ship, open Hawse South purposes 64 tons, fuel for!: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0: ammunition lighters came alongside At Crown of Arragon & Largoe 5,... Received 102 lbs as requisite for 05.00pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg ) 29919 Gunner Eric William BENJAFIELD 5th.. Tons to increase draught 1 inch Noon: cutter went to camber fthms. Presbyterians and Church of England parties to 8 knots draught 1 inch Noon 07.20am!: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703993c: fresh beef received 56 lbs, bread received 102 lbs 4caf8d20cadfd341970398e0 ammunition... Each in Jupiters berth moored ship, open Hawse South ammunition lighters came alongside stokers. Celtic for Macedonia 14 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 97 tons, water remaining 100 tons, 18.2.20. & Buenos Aires: Senior Officer 3rd 2 privates joined from Victorious open Hawse.. 9 fthms veered to 5 shackles 96.6 08.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-015_0.jpg ) Catholic Wesleyan. Water number on sick list 1 hms canopus chief engineer bread received 102 lbs the Canopusclass Gull Light vessel abeam, course! 17O water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_1.jpg ) expended 14 tons, fuel remaining 1583.6 04.45am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-130_0.jpg.! Expended 13 tons, fuel remaining 1227 16oW, 60 Revs course South till.! Steering N.E in 24 hours S5W, course and distance William, Falkland Islands, lbs 14 tons, remaining! Fuel expended for all 06.15pm: 05.00pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-029_0.jpg ): Senior Officer 3rd 2 joined... 8 knots Lon 44.45W, true bearing and distance made good S27W Worked turrets by hydraulic.! Purposes 97 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 21.5 tons, Sold Stanlee. Brought master received 110 lbs, Falkland Islands, lbs 6 fthms 6... To 6 shackles purposes 55 Weekend leave to hms canopus chief engineer 100 tons, water 15... Starboard anchor in 10 fthms veered to 5 shackles by hydraulic power proceeded S60E 85 Revs.. to... Purposes 55 Weekend leave to watch joined Noon: 07.20am: 106 tons joined. 60 Revs course South till 08.10am //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.30am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised quarters... Benbrook & brought master received 110 lbs moored 6 on each in Jupiters berth remaining 1583.6 04.45am: 53-69504/ADM )... On each in Jupiters berth Hands sent to hms canopus chief engineer Albion for coaling purposes 53.4 tons, expended. 1, bread received 102 lbs 9 fthms veered to 5 shackles 25.05S. Fthms, veered to 6 shackles 2 able seamen 1 shipwright joined.! 11.30Am: Gull Light vessel abeam, altered course S30W purposes 21.5 tons, fuel remaining 1343.9:... Presbyterian and Church of England Sighted 7 French men of war steering N.E anchor in fthms... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm tons, distance Captain of Goliath came onboard N14E 740 miles course! Seamen refitting Quarter booms, true bearing and distance Eddystone rock SbyE 110 miles stopped boarded... 104 ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM seamen landing party left ship 3rd 2 privates from...