For 2 years I typed this a**holes nightly reports, knowing full well he never witnessed any of it going on; he just sat in his office eating or riding the dock on a golf cart looking for reasons to fire new people. I contacted my old boss before anything else; she still had to deal with this guy and I didnt want to cause trouble for her. PD: Mike, Im going to ask you once more, and then if you dont leave and try to intimidate me more, Ill taze your a*s, youll p*ss your pants, and Ill drag you out. I thought that was a pretty good start. Karma is really GREAT when it is on your side. John Conrad, 12. I know, because Ive seen her pull them out and use these things many times. Well after seeing the new girl being interviewed, I knew he was going to dismiss the present secretary and hire the new girl. Anyways, we would still order regular stuff from the vendors and since we would usually buy some of their overstock and outdated stuff as well, we would get a little bit of a better deal on whatever else we bought. Before the term "circus" was officially coined by Charles Dibdin in November of 1782, circus-like events have been held as early as ancient Rome. I witnessed a road rage incident where a man got out of his car at a red light, went to the door of the driver of a minivan and yelled at the window for a minute. I work for a company that makes batteries. Our A&W was right downtown so needless to say it was a very busy week. He is well within his, albeit a**hole, right to make me stay until my shift is over with. Prep work that can be done days in advance. We were all told, Treat others how youd like to be treated at some point in our lives. However, when I got hired, the Dairy Supervisor (We will call him Bill) was from what I understand, new and very, very slow; Which caused a lot of people to quit or ask to be moved to other departments. At the same time, the married secretary and her husband had a conversation and they decided not to mess around anymore. I do what most of the employees do. I figured why not? First, remember how I said she lied? The section manager had started telling me to clean faster, pushing me to call her for the evening inspection earlier, so I could clock out earlier. 3. Normally, my new boss Ralph wouldnt mind, he would always just let it go. So I said, Thats ok. We sit down and he asks me what the problem is? He turned pale when it was announced the next day at work. I couldnt believe some of the details he shared on what D*ck both said and did. Me: Ill give you about 10 seconds to start walking to the door and if you dont, Ill call the police to escort you out. My boss was a paranoid, penny pinching, micromanaging wank knob gobsh*t. I told him that I want a copy of the paper that says I was paid from the registerhe could produce no such paperwork. It means that I ended up with about $200 cash that was tax-free so thats a bonus. MetaSpoon has daily funny news articles, funny pictures and other amusing. The jealous miserable b*stard was shocked speechless because he did not imagine that this would happen. I don't think she knew she was talking to her boss. He told me about all of this 18 hours before it had to be loaded into a truck and delivered to the event. It sounds like a small act of revenge, but if youve ever had a case of head lice, youd understand how horrible it is. About a year ago, I was working the weekend shift, and we had been complaining for weeks about a particular machine, a very high-priority one, making weird noises and stalling without warning. We are not responsible for big maintenance-type operations. He lied 16 times in total on this matter. They are legally required to pay you. I did not consider my savings as something that we should live on. Its like an hour before I have to start work, I do not have time to go get a lice treatment and deal with this right now, so I Google and find the best way to prevent spreading it is to pull your hair up into a neat, tight bun and spray with a barrier of hairspray to decrease the chances of stray hairs flying around. Ive never felt such a sense of instant karma as today. A couple days later, Albert starts texting me like mad. I got the job with the condition that I would have a 3-month internship trial period. Securing a Brighter . He knew he was wrong but he would dismiss them and demand it be done his way. Read on for a great deal of satisfaction and giggles. I could start throwing as fast as I could from one end, and by the time I got to the other, the side I started at was empty. I started writing everything out (Chicken on focaccia. Client called. He asked for some examples. I showed up nightly for 3 months on his shifts to monitor how David ran his shifts, watching him make stupid mistakes one after another; any one of these things I could have easily terminated him for, but held out and documented everything. Unless I personally spoke to big boss, and then their boss, and accused Ariel of lying, it would just be assumed I screwed up as there was no way Ariel would defend me or admit her lie. I can take a lot. You need to leave. I developed a style of throwing that involved grabbing two gallons at a time (each crate holding 4 gallons), and using my knee to kick off an empty crate. See that truck? Its this beautiful shade of auburn, long, and perpetually has the most perfect relaxed wave to it. Remember: 2 tbsp (or whatever) will give you a healthy case of the runs. He minimized my hours (they get a bonus to keep labor low), expanded my workload and never had anything nice to say. What I started to discover however is the turn over for the company is a couple of years and I began to realize why. He wasnt necessarily a bad person, but my cousin held a deep grudge against him. In a matter of two weeks, 9 of 14 employees resigned after hearing I did. But hes a d*ck. barrygibb. I had a lot of fun there, and losing the cafe and moving on to another job basically meant I lost contact with all the guys. And if they say it's best to turn the other cheek, then sometimes it just doesn't work. I was working at a small cafe, which was owned by a young woman in her mid-twenties. Then a day struck his fancy to start things up again only he ran out of material. A few months later, when I was made redundant in questionable circumstances, I told my boss who called the fire brigade. He didnt even say thanks. It went much deeper than this, more then I care to share. Seriously, thanks Chris. Some of our kitchen staff quit and instead of replacing them he just moved around the 3 remaining kitchen staff so that we only had one person in the kitchen per shift. A meeting was scheduled with an important potential client, which would be handled by big boss, Ariel, and myself. I actually did a little research on and couldnt find anything legally I could do. Most Of Us Resigned, Now All He Had Were Deadbeat Workers. I worked in the snack bar flipping burgers and working the fryer. So my goal was to make him pay me $32,500 to be exact over 6 months as restitution for what he said at that table. This being Calgary in 2006, I got another job the next day. He didnt seem to know. I do so, and head into work to deal with getting rid of the lice when I get home. BoredPanda staff. Me: Mike, if youre going to be scoping out prices, you can leave now too. Bossman jumped out of his office and asked me to call her back. Ill be there right away is his famous line. He told me that he knew I got paid from the register and that he wanted his money. If he wants trouble, Ill give it to him! It was just always on his mind and a little too important to him, lets just leave the rest unsaid. The Original Poster (OP) disclosed his exciting story about revenge to Reddit's "Pro Revenge" subthread after his old employer tried to rob him of his overtime pay. They said that I shouldn't take human remains out in public, but there was no laws that were broken. Things started getting really sh*tty. He realized how f*cked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. He Lost His Employee And Got Covered In Milk All In One Day. It resulted in doubling profits and establishing a great company reputation. David was married to some big-shot at a hospital in town; she was the breadwinner so he had no problems with keeping some low-level super job; to top it all off David was also the only minority with a supervisory position so Logistics Company didnt want to fire him (EEO FTW!). Brenda Hassett The truth is that the only person that revenge hurts is the giver 3. It looked like there was no power going into it. Aside from that, shes been with the company for nearly a decade, all the higher-ups loved her (and were not wise to how she treated her subordinates since she put the fear of god in all of us and since no one wanted to be on her bad side, no one spoke up) so she really had no reason to feel so threatened. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the spray and D*ck was buying a new can. Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a link to activate your account. I dreaded coming to work, which was too bad because he had me working every day but one. My cousin. I worked evening shifts and was the last person in the snack bar at the end of the evening. All of them were very happy for me! So today I resign my position with immediate effect, which in turn, cancelled his vacation plans for next week. I was asked to travel to a client by the 2nd in command. PD: Yeah Normally for something like this, I would just ask the person to leave from the phone, but Mike was being an a*s to my wife the other day. Theyre glad to see me, they wondered where I went, Albert told them I quit to work elsewhere. He calls his brother. The state said, ok prove it. Cut off all communication lines between the boss and other branches of the company. Then the idea came to me that night, did my research and odds was in my favor that it could work. On top of that, there is no one to fill my position. Working 8-hour shifts every day in your jeans and ruining pair after pair with oil and grease the only clothes you own, spending money you dont have on gas to get to work is bad enough when you have to wait more than a month for your first checkbut then being denied a paycheck and treated like its no big deal week after week is straight bullsh*t. I would have called the labor board after the first failure (US Dept of Labor). Stories, 2023Metaspoon. I found a way to bring it up in gory detail to everyone I stopped in each shop to say hello, I was in the neighborhood, do you wanna see my sick bruise? Trust me when I say this guy has a massive ego and I was counting on this for p*ssing him off. So I gave them copies of checks and pay stubs for the last six months. sure, whatevs. and did the trial time. Eventually, he started to get a little upset about it and told me to ask them to kindly leave. Our office was in a converted factory that was split into several units, my boss brother owned the building. Careful, Hell Steal Your Company. The only method he had was bashing his ego and sarcasm around but he realized it had no impact on me. We lost their account. I was livid. This was ridiculous and I had to get as far away from Ariel as I could. Fail To Me Pay? He walked up there with me. Im just going to mirror him until he fires me. 3. Fast forward three hours or so date-lady and I are cruising the bars and head into the bar/pizza joint I worked at. We both crack up laughing, and the cop ends up giving me his direct number. This stripped the latters business abilities and acumen. Lettuce. Road rage. He wanted me to stay on; I knew how to run the place and how to make all of the sandwiches and so forth. Usually, this happens when we think the other party is deserving of what we have done to them . Want Me To Leave Mid-Project? I just got offered a job from a Corporate Office. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. And then he started to change everything. I think he started to understand why we were not clocking out on time too. Basically, my job became throw milk for 8 hours. I shook his hand with a smile and left without saying anything negative. Neither of us like Mike, and he wants to be the one to deal with him if anything should arise again. Bravesfan417, 9. A few months later he finally found another job and left. Sometimes the most appropriate revenge is to simply work your way up in life. Pain in the a** treatments that have to be done a few times (which are extremely harsh on your hair), lots of washing clothes and spraying down furniture, because even just one tiny little nit could reignite the infestation. At least several customers got to enjoy a free meal as well. I had no doubt that would seal the deal simply on the evaluation of the character before the facts even entered into it. About 2 and a half weeks later, I opened my mailbox to find a paper-clipped stack of 7 paychecks. He shook my hand, was very charming to my mother, told her I was a hard worker (but how did HE know? I was desperate for money and my town had a real shortage of jobs so I couldnt do much about that. They knew I would do what I could, within reason. The end of the day arrived and the supervisor couldnt find my check in the stack. Thankfully about a month and a half later I accepted an offer from a great job with better pay and even a better commute! They went back to talk. I paged the section manager over the intercom to have her check my work so I could clock out. Two other employees, or should I say, the ONLY two other employees who werent his wife or cousin up and quit on him later that week. This story though is by far my best revenge. Occasionally this guy would take things a little too far, he was just passionate about his opinion and always had to be right, so Id always give him that. I then launched a legal claim against him for unfair dismissal and my case will be heard by the employment appeals tribunal in a few weeks. He does a tour of the house and says I am bringing my uncle to see it. Technically my boss always put my missing hours on the next check, but then I would be missing even more hours from the current pay period. His retaliation was the kitchen sink, he had nothing so he started accusing me of things, then playing coy when it came to reviewing the details or facts. Breakfast was a nightmare. The boss was forced to promote my cousin to the second most important position in the company and give him a personal cabin and near-absolute authority over other top employees. Bottom line, the state needed to see documented verbal and written warnings, signed so he couldnt fake them. A few days later, I was in Target again to pick up some school supplies. Mike: This is a free country, I can go where I please. Id never seen him before. I hadnt seen you over at (old store name) in a while! I will go to Santa Monica and work for XYZ company. He was speechless. It was supposed to be a temporary thing. This time it cost D*ck, 32,500 dollars to be exact. Anytime I used the bathroom, even to take a p*ss Id use the entire can of air freshener. I arrived in Los Angeles on Friday. However, if I was laid off I would qualify. The temp would be called into the office where David would look at them and say would a large, sh*t-eating grin: ITS JUST NOT WORKING OUT. He would argue, sometimes red in the face mad. I had already determined that the price was 5K more than what a broker told me he could get for it. When I went in to return my uniform I made sure to get the money that we were allowed. The first day with Albert, he was immediately impatient with me. Because I out whit him at his own game, it embarrassed him in the eyes of others. Maybe six months later, Im in town and take a wander to check on the cafe and say hi to the guys. The supervisor's boss was called in and they all stepped away from the desk for a private talk. I told them over the phone., I was super skeptical but I trusted her. I worked for a tire shop years ago that was in the midst of changing corporate owners. I saw red. Well I was just about to leave anyway. He promised to fix things. No one else was responsible for it but me. When I got to the break room, I punched out, and met the night manager. With the way business is right now things arent looking good, Id be stupid to take on more expenses, and Im owed over two thousand dollars as it is. Within 3 months I went into partnership with 2 other guys from work and we bought 2 apartment buildings. The next morning I came in and saw the secretary cleaning the dust off a line up of about 100 monitors that had been sitting out in the open collecting dust. We had spoken about it over the phone too so there was no concrete proof she lied. I had a test the next day and I wanted to study. The income I was making was insufficient to pay for our expenses even without rent or mortgage. When the job goes as planned, you should be spending about half your time throwing milk, and the other half refilling cheese/eggs/yogurt/etc. He asks me why I kicked out his two managers, and I informed him that if they wanted to come actually shop here, they were at perfect liberty to do that, but if all they were going to do was scope out prices so they could beat it, then they were not allowed back in the store. Employees around the world complain about their higher-ups for different reasons, but one of the top reasons is because theyre too demanding, critical, and controlling. When he fires me he will have to pay half my current salary of 65k until I get a new job. So I hit him where it hurt first, his favorite thing in the world is meetings. The current topic at this moment was what is your favorite meal? Having issues? Over the next six months, I took that time to enjoy myself, pursue hobbies and lived life to the fullest on his dime as a reward for his comment. Anyway, I get a call (while on break) from Corporate Radio Shack that they spoke to my ex-boss, and really wanted to get me on board to help open a new store in a mall. Took all major decisions on his own and handled all departments (strategy, finance, marketing, sales, Business Development, etc.). "My boyfriend cheated on me, so I sprayed weed killer on his lawn to spell out the word 'dick.'. I have bills to pay. Later my boss told co-workers he felt bad for me that I couldnt find work and he decided to give unemployment to me to save the face of his ego. Honestly, she looks like Disneys Princess Ariel. I said no, and that I just wanted what I was owed. But Mom had a solution. Some even take their bosss place. What happened next was what really touched me. Well I had to prepare to leave for the USA. In short, my cousin became a company. I finished out the day without reacting somehow. Technically, they could have offered to finish the remainder of the project, but why do that when your boss is a total jerk like this one? Everyone had stopped going. Which further made him mad because what he was doing had no effect on me. Only the day-to-day cleaning and small adjustments. ! I think I just got lucky to have only had great bosses! Once he received my notice a couple of months later he called me up within a minute, begged me to stay. He went back to the break room and started making phone calls. He called me stupid for some reason or another, then why wasnt what mattered to me up until that point, hed talked to me like I was an idiot but hadnt actually called me a name. I go to the back, and not even 60 seconds later, I get a call from my checkers telling me that hes scoping out prices as well, and that my boss Ralph was gone, and they wanted me to take care of it. They came into our office and asked to speak to the building manager. I never get p*ssed but after years this was the last straw! The 3rd week came and no checks. You expect me to do you a favor when you wont do me one? My leg was still inside, and the minute he slammed it on me and I screamed and fell back, I think he knew he had f*cked up he shut the door on me and locked it. I took the orders from all the smaller coffee shops around town that the local chain owned, and baked all the bagels, cookies, muffins, wraps, etc. I look at the day manager and said f*ck it, I quit. I remained professional and communicated Im sorry things didnt work out and spent the next two hours reviewing stuff with co-workers on how to handle certain things. The Director of Engineering interviewed me and hired me on the spot. They leave without more incident, Im happy since these 2, along with Mike, made my life hell for the past year. I called the state and confirmed everything was documented on my end accurately and now its the waiting game. I ate half my sandwich and wrapped the remaining to take home. Maybe its the build-up of stress or simply a power trip that makes some bosses mistreat employees. Thats cool, I thought. She even goes so far as to keep some dry shampoo, hairspray, and a brush in her desk. One thing you should know about Ariel is that she absolutely loves her hair. After waiting the month (you get paid every two weeks and they hold back your first paycheck, not to mention if you start working there in between pay periods) to get paid, I came to work excited to get my first paycheck. You ask where its out, he says next week you explain he already said that last week, then hed play coy. You must have at least one lowercase letter and either an uppercase, number or special character. People Reveal Their Obnoxious Revenge Stories. People quitting at Walmart wouldnt normally be interesting (most people @Walmart call it Friday). I must have visually tipped him off I didnt approve of this because he never got bored with it. The fruit of my labor will do the talking for me shortly. Meetings run by Ariel and I were pretty usual, big boss being a part of them was uncommon. As for me, I ended up as a technician for a company that often ordered overtime meals from us. After 6 months, a young and very good looking girl came to be interviewed for a job. She was very narcissistic, could not stand being wrong or anyone doing better than her, and could be very belittling, but overall once you got to know her and her ways you could kind of deal with it. My uncle absolutely hated his old neighbor. Yup, that was the third time he had given me catering orders the night before they were due. Me: Its Mike from (old store name {OSN}), and hes scoping out our prices, my boss has given me permission to kick anybody out from that store who is just coming over to scope out prices, and thats all hes doing, so we would like him removed. Why not make him pay out of his pocket 32.5k for everything he had said and done? Before walking back to the break area, I walked to the front of the store. They cant pay what youre owed at once, but you could take an item of equal value from the company. After three weeks it would be paid. I was an electronics engineer and there were very few jobs for people with my skills in Toronto. The fire brigade sent round two young ladies, who looked more like salespeople and nothing like fire safety inspectors. They also threw away a bunch of old paperworkthe paperwork that proved I owed them money was tossed out too. He then played coy about being coy, I laughed. So then he came up with the next item. So, when she left to go to lunch, I quietly made my way into her office, took out my bun, shook my hair out, and ran her brush through my lice-infested hair. I was very good at what I did, and do know how to do a lot of the things her job involves, but it also comes with several responsibilities I had no interest in and she knew all of this. I poured half of the shakeout (for me to enjoy later, of course) and mixed in 13-15 oz of Ex-Lax. The other times he gave them to me with a day or two notice. And his money goes to the state first then the state sends it to me, so he cant play games with my money or the state is coming after him. No chefs remained. I responded with Ok. Then he finally said what I wanted to hear I want to call it quits. The first one (AKA the one with the horrible boss), was a chain store, therefore, anybody below a manager really had no power whatsoever. Go where youll be the most happy. 15 Petty Revenge Stories That Prove Karma Is 1,000,000% Real. Went with a broker house hunting on Monday and put an offer on a house on Wednesday. This particular company did not hire directly for dock workers, you had to go through a temp-to-hire service; and Logistics Company had a 90-day window in which the dock super, in this case David, could call your temp agency and tell them your stint at Logistics Company is over. It was a lovely feeling watching the color drain from his face. Just at that time, I got my green card to immigrate to the USA and was given 10 days to cross the border (who knows why such a short time?). Ok, start the paperwork tomorrow. What I learned is I was a fool to do that and money isnt everything. He would insult me pretty much every day, each day more and more colorful. 30 minutes pass and no word from the owner. He did this in front of a client, in public, while people are eating. I dont want to be too specific but the company had created a new product, and it was Ariels responsibility to explain to me the functions and limitations of it, as was usual protocol. The state sent me paperwork stating this fact and asked me to prove my salary. My cousin secured complete control over it. Everyone except Ariel. I asked her what was happening and she told me that the boss ordered her to do it. This, of course, was not her job. Then came the stampede. He took over my ordering duty, and then he sliced the quality on several products. We called our boss, informed him of the situation. Ariel wasnt that bad the first year and a half I worked there. She told me to just walk out of an emergency exit, and shed drive around and pick me up. This happened about 7-8 years ago. 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