As far as evil actions go, cannibalism is at the top of the list in Fallout 3. Upon leaving the vault head straight for Rivet City to claim the Intelligencebobblehead, which raises intelligence to 10. )NEVER collect ANY bobbleheads or speak to Colin moriarty or Start Big Trouble in Big Town save red and shorty and raise medicine to level 40 and heal time bomb to get the Lucky 8 ball for the Mysterious Stranger Perk When viewing the Pip-Boy image for the weapon, the Vault Boy's face will have some beard stubble. Major Tom was good at games, even better than his father, and Lieutenant Albert was the first Monkey, "Flying Folk" to ever play the "Flying games". This will enable you to max out your primaries with very little effort (1 bobblehead and 10 books), while still allowing you to max out your tertiaries if you decide it's suddenly important to you (1 bobblehead and 25 books). Note: While wearing the above equipment, every stat will be raised to 10, excluding Intelligence. Best do the shalebridge big book of science glitch to get the Entomologist perk. Build your own guns! Every Fallout Game In Chronological Order, Fallout 3: Best Followers In The Game (& The Worst), Fallout 3: Things Players Missed In Vault 101, player character is going to have to be quite persuasive, Fallout 3: Mods That Make It Feel Like A Brand New Game, 7 Open-World Games That Are Still Fairly Linear, Animal Crossing Player Spends 2 Years Making Incredible Island Inspired by Asian Nature, The Elder Scrolls 6 Should Adopt One Morrowind Feature Not Seen in Oblivion and Skyrim. 520 HP, 107 AP, 77% DR. Montage Mayhem" is right for you. Don't waste your time, take this perk. Notes: This is a purely non-VATS build that works well with mods like Mart's Mutant Mod, Notes: You can switch Commando with Gunslinger and use Blackhawk, Dart gun or unique energy pistols -. Or Comprehension? It's not necessary with high, Suggestions. The point of this character is to get through the game without killing anything except the one Radroach you have to kill at age 10. With this, you will be a SPECIAL Spaz and will be good all around. Sneak: 62 The Shishkebab paired with the Pyromaniac perk does 60 damage and only uses 28 action points. THIS IS A MUST. '' Major Tom. 1.5 Pick something else instead. If making a male, you shouldn't take this perk. Adds 25 Action Points, allows more shots while in VATS. Level 17: Better Critical's. Did you forget to level up a skill, take this if you did. Level 20: Grim Reapers Sprint. Added 10% Damage, poison and radiation resistance. after using upon killing enemy in V.A.T.S. Lasers can deal large amounts of damage quickly, while plasma deals substantial damage with a projectile weapon. The perks listed for 18, 19, and 20 are really your choice, but those are I ones I have. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. On my user page I have a walkthrough on what I did, which I didn't post here due to extensive spoilers. Major Tom being over enthused by the Monkey liberation, lusts to see more of this brave new world. Fallout 3 weapon Seeing how this is a high Intelligence build, I'll start working on a high Strength build as an alternative! Intense Training on endurance Union Rep, We are The Commonwealth Dagnabbit ! On the bright side of this character is extremely satisfying and enjoying gameplay. Your primary skills are your bread and butter- either Small Guns, Energy Weapons, or Melee (pick one of the three), Sneak, Lockpick, and Speech. attempt to advance the main quest/story line. Law and order is nearly nonexistent,and people eke out a living while relying on nobody but themselves for protection. This ends booth the " Ashes to ashes " quest and the " Monkey Messiah " quest, rewarding the player with experience points, good Karma and some negative reputation with the Commonwealth. To make V.A.T.S. Major Tom is a trained space monkey and possible "Fallout Next Generation" companion living at the Commonwealth's Aerospace Institute "sometime after the year 2282". But this is good for people who do use a lot of Stimpaks. Your SPECIAL stats are impossible. Of course being raised by "Human Folk" Major Tom dose understand the meaning of a great many words, a basic sign / body language and common gestures. The Bobbleheads are placed one on each level for a reason; obtain that one at that level. Well, it requires some assembly first. Players need to be cognizant of their surroundings in confined spaces to avoid an embarrassing death. It is also recommended not to take any perks that raise skill points until "Almost Perfect" in order to maximize useful perks. If you have a steady supply of chems and consumables, however, you can create a very powerful character. --. Instead of lightweight metal alloys used in eg. Able to carry 50lbs more equipment. Firelance/Sydney's 10 mm "Ultra" SMG/Blackhawk Pre-War baseball cap, A3-21's plasma rifle I wanted to put my build somewhere where I could reference it and I'm really confident this is as close to a flawless build as you're going to find, so if anybody wants to read it or comment on it, that's great. This build is a lot of fun to play because it skirts a lot of issues which frustrate players. Here is the Best Small Guns Build. I think having just one rank of this is fine enough (and there's nothing useful to take besides Swift Learner at Level 3). As I level up I look at the next perk I'm going to take in this table and decide how to spread my skill points out accordingly. Attacks/sec In other words, a build that has no flaws in it whatsoever. You will like a weakenesses of this character same as strengths. 50% more damage when you land a critical hit on your opponent. Those that decided to blow up the entire town might enjoy a demolition build. Some of the Perks require higher Special Stats then the initial ones. One of the most important skill for this character will be Speech and probably also Sneak, because the point of this build is to survive and not to kill everything. The player may focus on their luck or agility skills for accuracy and critical chance. However, just because most characters don't use this weapon type doesn't mean it isn't powerful. This weapon is a flame-thrower, and it deals a lot of area-of-effect damage, which is ideal while fighting large groups of enemies. This will result in a character with 100 in every skill in the game and a perfect 10 in all SPECIAL stats. Big Guns: (depends on how many skill books you farmed from the raider with the flamer in Bethesda ruins) Oh yeah, more XP per kill. They may also wish to use silent weapons; a list of these can be found further down this article. Fallout 3's popularity remains strong even today. LV18 Scoundrel (1) I tend to take these just to get some more Speech and Barter, hints the whole ghosty diplomat. Unarmed: 60. The combat shotgun is a small gun in Fallout 3. Perk effects Your secondary skills are nice skills you use a lot, but not quite as frequently as your primaries- whichever two damage skills you didn't choose for your primary, Big Guns, repair, medicine, explosives. If you have 3 Iron Fist perks, the damage of the guantlet is raised by 15 points. However, with the sniper rifles, the percentage to hit is oddly low, so most will make use of manual-aiming coupled with sneak attacks until Concentrated Fire becomes available at level 18 (keep in mind that this perk requires a minimum of 60 in both small guns and energy weapons). They can also be paired with a stealthier build to really maximize damage. Tag whatever you want, this just makes future perks easier to take. By this level, it should be very easy to achieve this. If you follow this discipline, you should fulfill all your perk requirements well before you get the chance to take them. Some players believeguns and energy weapons are overrated and feel they would rather let their fists do the talking. If you're really the impatient type, take Swift Learner at levels 2 and 3 and take Here and Now at level 19. As far as weapons go, a silenced 10mm Pistol or bladed knife are excellent choices. I'll fill in some more info as I progress in the game using this pwnage build! Be sure to grab Child at Heart, and Lady Killer (for the gents) or Black Widow (for the gals) as soon as you can. Question: Great build, but just one problem with it. Any type of armor works well with this build; however, it's a good idea to keep a second weapon in your inventory in case you run out of Railway Spikes. You can buy the Gauss Shotgun plans from Samuel once you become an ally of the Settlers. Although there's not too much opportunity to role-play as a Samurai during dialogue, the equipment will make you feel just like a Samurai while exploring the Capital Wasteland. Also, there is no point in taking Demolition Expert when it doesn't improve the amount of damage that the Nuka grenade does. Remember that the science and Big Guns book respawn every 72/73 hours, so you don't need to waste skill points on those two. Rad Resistance is practically uneeded as you gain a lot of Rad Resistance from Endurance and The Pitt Add-on. Luck 6(With Lucky 8 ball), Barter: 60 You don't need many books after this. P - Perception - 5 - Bobble Head. Really you just wanna go in with a fatman blasting people dont you? Do NOT report "It was just soo cute!" For 5 minutes or untill out of range, the player gains an, Major Tom gains +50 Health and his Damage Threshold becomes 25, With Major Tom as a companion, the player shares Major Tom's Animal Friendship perk. While an explosive that packs a lot of punch sounds nice, Nuka grenades are more damaging. Once enough information has been gathered, Major Tom will use his monkey pipboy to relate the idea that he would like to rescue his father ( Space Monkey Pilot, Lieutenant Albert ) and the other research monkeys that would be killed when the Institues rockets are set to explode. Level5: The way damage threshold works, much of the shotgun damage can be absorbed if you're using spread fire on enemies with high damage. I'am can ask you a thing? I chose Lincolns repeater because it is easy to repair, has a decent damage, looks cool as hell, and I can easily make ammo for it by exploiting the ammo glitch from Opperation: Anchorage. Gunslinger, Commando, Sniper, Concentrated Fire, and Wired Reflexes makes your Lone Wanderer more accurate with guns during V.A.T.S., saving you a lot more ammunition from missing. Probably my favorite perk, I've found 300+ caps in containers. with 2 handed weapons (Hunting Rifle, Assault Rifle, etc.). Works extremely well when your followers are distracting robotic enemies. As such, it is not dependent upon finding all of the Skill Books in the game to maximize your skills, although I do depend upon equipment, which I obtain early on. As long as you follow the perk suggestions every level, you'll never have to worry about your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. If the player askes Major Tom to distract. 2- Create Animations: Reload, Pump-action, Bolt-action, Recoil. The extra 10% Damage against Females can come in handy during any point of the game, there are also no other perks that are vital at level 2 and 3, unless you use Intense Training. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. 1 Pretty handy for getting those sneak attack criticals we all love. Ammo & Reloading Some people call him a space cowboy, some call him the Robosexual of love - Spider Raff. Shady hat will increase Perception by 1. Radiation Resistance (8): 25% additional rad. Despite its age, Fallout 3 is a timeless classic that can still deliver a few surprises for both new and old fans alike. Major Tom will never engage in any form of combat. 3.3 However, if you need the Scrounger perk, by all means, there is nothing wrong with choosing it over Adamantium Skeleton. It is worth noting that Finesse, which increases the chance to crit, is not that important to this build since the majority of attacks will be sneak attacks which automatically crit. What's more dangerous than a cannibal? RELATED: The RPG Mechanics That Changed The Genre. If it takes more than one head-shot to kill something, then you want to make sure every shot hits (and counts), so take this perk. At level 5 you may have collected several skill books. Level 28: Tag? +1 Perception permanantly, +25% Fire Resistance. I'm going to try this, where is the lucky 8 ball anyways? Proffesor Robert Bowie. Tip: The great thing is, Bethesda studios designed followers/companions in a way that they'll use weapons of choice that is given by you for that particular range. Tag Small Guns, Unarmed, Lockpick. Final Stats: DPS This archetype requires little finesse or dexterity. And of course you'll want to dump lots of skill points into Speech to make sure your attempts at diplomacy are mostly successful. You have 100 skill in Unarmed and you do 28 damage with this baby. Used for the slight damage bonus against the opposite gender. Kill people when they're in their sleep, silently, quickly, and efficiently. The player then has the choice to aid the Commonwealth to send Major Tom to his doom in exchange for possitive Commonwealth reputation or he can link his Pip boy with Major Tom's, thus allowing a basic communication and begining the quest " Can ya hear me Major Tom " If the player chooses to show Major Tom the danger he is in Major Tom can then be recruted with an intelligence challenge of 6 or a Charisma challenge of 6 or If the player already has the Animal Friendship perk. Do an added 25% damage to robots. UPDATE1: I removed Nerves of Steel from this build and replaced it with Quantum Chemist on the account that NoS doesn't live up to its reputation on the Xbox 360 console. Collect the remaining Bobbleheads. Adds 25% damage bonus to robots, Instantly shut robot down upon activating it while undetected. It's good to see a build with Nuclear Anomaly. Level 18: Your choice. This is not possible without the Broken Steel add-on, which adds a new "Almost Perfect" perk that instantly raises all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Also, you tag energy weapons twice. Heres a list of the perks you should have when you reach level 20 w/o broken steel. It really depends on which Big Guns you plan to use mainly as a few synergize with other skills making dmg output higher. See Fallout 3 gameplay. At end game this character will have 100 in all skills and 10 in all attributes, along with 85% damage and radiation resistance. A well-rounded style of play will probably want to focus more on skills, but a highly-specialized style of play (such as a Ninja) will probably want to focus on perk synergies that grant extra abilities. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Having ammo is awesome, and at level 11 I honestly see no major perks you need, unless you really want Animal Friend. There are many new weapons and pieces of armor in this expansion pack, including the Samurai Armor and the Samurai's Sword, a melee weapon. res. 12 The Combat Shotgun Build Shotguns are one of the least popular weapons in Fallout 3, and the main reason is that there aren't many unique shotguns to be found throughout the Capital Wasteland. )Bethesda ruins is the best place to obtain the firelance from a random event and you may accidently set off the wrong random event erasing your best chance at getting the alien gun firelance.Also in the east office building here has a raider with a flamer that carrys US Army 30 handy flamethrower recipes that respawn on her every 73 hours. The extra 3 skill points are vital, get this perk right when you reach level 4, no later then that. The Ninja perk is very useful in that it raises your critical attack range even higher, though it must be noted that an 80 in Sneak is required for the perk, so plan accordingly. A brawler must remember that "unarmed" and "melee" are not the same thing. Lincoln's repeater You should also tag some form of combat skillif yourun intoany sticky situations Of course, you can combine any of the elements above to create your own unique style of play. As far as weapons are concerned, carry a mix of plasma and laser to be more flexible. Level 7: Gun Slinger. Intelligence 10 (the ants dont respawn but the hostile ant researcher with the book does) Agility 7 Not married to The Commonwealth, Major Tom's story could work with any technologically capable humanoid faction. Made By- AN ANONYMOUS USER (that is my profile name so ha! Martial Art Expert Stats I.E. Ammo cap. Tip: Crouching with the stealth armor gives you a Stealth Field just like with a. To get perks you'll need luck and endurance bobbleheads, Lucky 8-ball, and Ant Sight. After you shut them down, you can crouch down and nail them with your fist to land Sneak Criticals, netting you XP. Just make sure these are your stats when you reach 20 and you should be fine. The only important parts are to get Barter and Science up to 50% and to pick the Child at Heart perk, the rest is arbitrary. Asshole. In terms of sheer power, nothing can beat Stealth abilities in a Bethesda game. I believe that the. You have a 30% chance to paralyze whenever you use an Unarmed attack. I'm just curious if anyone has bothered to write down their characters info to share with others. With this build It's meant to focus on four major things really Small Guns, Sneak, Barter, and Speech. Necessary skills include: First, players need to look the part of a gunslinger. +1 Luck as you as you have it in your inventory. Silent Killer, Ranger battle armor The Fallout universe is a lot like the Wild West from American history. Fallout 3 has even more combat builds for you to create, so we've added a few more options for you to choose from while creating your character. This can come from unique characters, branching quests, or letting the player create their own playstyle using the game's various attributes and skills. Why going Iron Fist by 3, when you can just take Tag! LV9 Commando, Considering this build is based on two handed silent weapons It's a nice perk to have for those V.A.T.S users. Sacred 2, 185 DW Sera.79 Sword & shield Sera.. Demon Souls. Major Tom found he liked his fellow "Monkey Folk" almost as much as he enjoyed messing with the ,"Human Folk". In that case, playing as the Pure Pugilist means getting up close and personal with the enemy. So, yes, the slashes are intended to mean either/or, butreally I want players who to use whatever they want, or at least a variety of weapons at their disposal. Use unarmed and wasteland settler clothes and get Rad Regeneration for a Church of Atom monk, or use Oasis robes for an Oasis monk. The Sniper and Commando perks are also helpful when attempting to aim with VATS. 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