The hope laid up for us in heaven supposes a position on the earth. Such a man finds life and all that it means in music, in sport, in work, as the case may be. Not on things on the earth - Wealth, honor, pleasure. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. What is there here to make us fond of it? He meant to reconcile man spite of himself; He would prove His own love to be the conqueror of his hatred. People will say, "How is it that on Monday you can be so happy; you're whistling. For none of these reasons, though He was all this, and more. Man, what can I do for her today; she's such a doll. Ah! They were created by Him, and for Him, equally with the Father. I have been crucified with Christ, thus I am dead to the flesh and to the things of the flesh and to the life of the flesh; I should not be living after the flesh. But the apostle took every pains to, show how great was the love of Epaphras for them; for his faithful spirit knew some little of that which the apostle knew well, that the more abundantly he loved, the less he was loved. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry." Yet it remains true, that "the hope is laid up for you," as he says, "in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; which is dome unto you, as it is in all the world: and bringeth forth fruit and groweth, as also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth." The sense of the phrase can be captured with "direct your mind to minding things above.". We are hidden in it like in a vault, a treasure house, a place to keep valuables securely and safely, where they will not be stolen or in any way degraded. The Spirit of God applies the truth of Jesus Christ, which resists all such thoughts as human. He exhorts to the mortification of sin, in the various instances of it ( v. 5-11 ). All momentous and blessed, but nevertheless by no means the same fulness of privilege of which he could discourse at once in writing to the Ephesians. It is not Christ Himself, as inEphesians 3:1-21; Ephesians 3:1-21, the wondrous issue even now in us by the power of the Spirit; but, at least, in His word is found (what the Colossians needed) an active and most pure spring of instruction and counsel, and mutuality of help by it. "He will, for instance, set giving above getting, serving above ruling, forgiving above avenging. As this epistle then is not said to have been addressed to Laodicea, we may gather that it was either from that church, or, if apostolic, going its round from one assembly to another. The foundation of the apostles and prophets took in the New Testament writers in general. This is to be spiritually minded (Romans 8:6), and to seek and desire a better country, that is, a heavenly,Hebrews 11:14; Hebrews 11:16. There are few here, it is to be supposed, who are not already aware that to put in "the Father" (as is done in the Authorized Version in italics) is to take away from the Son without warrant and dangerously. You're not teaching them when you do things like that. The apostle exhorts us to set our hearts upon heaven and take them off from this world (v. 1-4). As Paul saw it, to the Christian Christ is the most important thing in life; more, he is life. For this is the sign not so much of what would expiate as cleanse. Bibliotheca Sacra 151:602 (April-June 1994):215-27; Charles C. Ryrie, The Basis of the Premillennial Faith, pp. Now, as we had mentioned when we were going though Ephesians, God gave very simple rules for marriage. Little did the Colossians conceive that their endeavour to add to the truth of the gospel was in reality to detract from His glory. To the Ephesians, the Holy Ghost is treated as a divine person acting for the glory of Christ, but this in the saints and in the church. Does it not prove both by being jealous of the glory of Christ? As we know, the church is built on the foundation, not of Paul, but of His holy apostles and prophets. Because He was the greatest, the best, the holiest? The ancient writers defined chrestotes ( G5544) as the virtue of the man whose neighbours good is as dear to him as his own. To me to live is Christ,Philippians 1:21. not on things of the earth -- Worldly things as wealth, honor, and earthly pleasure. Things above are unseen and eternal, while earthly things are temporary and passing away ( 2 Cor. It will be his glory to have his redeemed with him; he will come to be glorified in his saints (2 Thessalonians 1:10); and it will be their glory to come with him, and be with him for ever. Colossians is in many ways "the epistle in the middle." It seems to be midway in the development from the historical Paul to documents such as Ephesians and 1-2 Timothy and Titus that are clearly written in a later generation to update Paul for a new day. The wrath of God and the moral order of the universe are one and the same thing. Instead of letting the reins free now to run in the race of improving the world and bettering society, or any of the objects that occupy men as such, the saints of God should abstain altogether. Now comes the positive character to be borne) "Put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved." Their foolishness and their unteachability never drive it to cynicism or despair; their insults and their ill-treatment never drive it to bitterness or wrath. Human patience is a reflection of the divine patience which bears with all our sinning and never casts us off. Christ is at present a hidden Christ, or one whom we have not seen; but this is our comfort, that our life is hid with him, and laid up safely with him. Different nations, who either despised or hated each other, were drawn into the one family of the Christian Church. Another reason is this, that the presence of the Spirit of God, both in the individual and in the church, is a most essential part of christian privileges, while, for the reasons already alleged, it was not for the well-being of their souls that it should be unfolded here. But He is the Christ that God raised from the dead and seated in heavenly glory. Also the reason seems obvious. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory ( Colossians 3:4 ). He it is who works in the various gifts of Christ, welding them together, so that it may be truly Christ through His body. If the parent is too easy-going, the child will grow up indisciplined and unfit to face life. ], "The Christian has to keep his feet upon the earth, but his head in the heavens. Things which the world thought important, he will no longer worry about. What is there not there to draw our hearts to it? Think what he wants to do is stupid. And what is he then entitled to see? not on things on the earth; not mind earth and earthly things, temporal enjoyments, riches, and honours; and though food and raiment, and the necessaries of life, are to be sought after, and cared and provided for, yet not with anxiety and perplexity of mind, in an over thoughtful and distressing manner; nor should the heart be set on those outward things, or happiness placed in the possession of them. The answer is important, for in it there is the whole Christian doctrine of work. He will go on using the things of the world but he will use them in a new way. This cannot be forgiven by all who cleave to the first man, on the side either of ordinances or of philosophy. His labours were not merely indefatigable, but accompanied by the sorest trial and anguish of spirit, as well as continual detraction with public hatred and persecution. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the, set their affections on the things that are above. What believers must do now, enabled by the Holy Spirit, is to fight the good fight of faith by focusing upward rather than downward and "around-ward". And so put off the old man, and put on the new. Colossians 3:1-2. That which is hidden is concealed; the world cannot recognize the Christian. If a man brings every word and deed to the test of the presence of Jesus Christ, he will not go wrong. If we live a life of Christian purity and devotion now, when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we shall also appear with him in glory,Colossians 3:4; Colossians 3:4. He will no longer live as if this world was all that mattered; he will see this world against the background of the larger world of eternity. Hence the spending of heart and thought that "every man" might be thus built up in the truth, and especially the heavenly truth of Christ, which was entrusted to his stewardship and ministry, "warning, every man and teaching every man, that we may present every man full grown in Christ." Besides, we are one bread, one body. But there is a crowning quality: "And above all these things put on charity," because this is, as nothing else can be, the fullest sign of that which God is Himself, the energy of His nature. Not only did he preach the one and teach the other (which the others no doubt did too), but he has committed to inspired writings the gospel as none other did; and he has, alone of all, brought out the church in the fullest way. Ambitions which dominated the world, will be powerless to touch him. It matters little how well taught the saint may be, nor how he may know the moral beauty and the unfailing wisdom of the word, if positive fruit be not increased: if the spirit and power of worship abound not, there is something altogether short, or wrong. The apostle, however, speaks of his service in these two respects: the gospel, which is universal in its aspect to every creature under heaven; and the church, which is a special and chosen body. Never will it be received, either by the world's religion, or by its philosophy. And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans." And so it is. He puts off his old self and puts on a new self, just as the candidate for baptism puts off his old clothes and puts on the new white robe. Human words fail to add to such a thought. To the former the Holy Ghost could launch out into the fulness of our blessing in Christ. There are no enemies so deadly as those who, having received enough truth to over-balance them and to abuse to their own self-exaltation, turn again, and would rend the church of God, wherein they learnt all that gives them power to be specially mischievous. Why should we heed conjecture? (iii) Paul then turns to the greatest problem of all--the relationship between slave and master. She had no legal rights whatever. Colossians 2:2-3 New International Version 2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He is the truth; He is the expression of what God is. The most cursory reader discerns at once that the epistle to the Colossians is the counterpart of that to the Ephesians. Thus it matters not what part of Ephesians is looked at. Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Colossians 3 Chapter 3 I. This is the kind of peak of devotion which we can only dimly understand and only haltingly and imperfectly express. Not appreciating His glory and fulness, they did not see that the secret of true wisdom and blessing, is in going on to know more of Christ than is already possessed. Who could ever have combined with God's glory such a place for man too? If there was one thing the ancient world needed it was mercy. Some of old were not Jews nor Gentiles, but baptized men and women. They should occupy a large place in our thought lives. In it there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free man. But there will be this difference--from now on the Christian will view everything against the background of eternity and no longer live as if this world was all that mattered. And whatever you may be doing in word or in deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Therefore he might well press, "If ye continue. But the distinctive character is that He is "the beginning, the firstborn from the dead" not merely the firstborn of, but the first-born out of. The ceremonies are dead to you through the death of Christ, and you to them, in order that, being raised up to heaven with Christ, you may think only of those things that are above. II. We must never allow one truth to be either shut out or enfeebled by another; but then we need also to remember that there are, and have always been, those that, having begun seemingly well, have ended by becoming the enemies of Christ and the church. Paul moves on to give his list of the great graces with which the Colossians must clothe themselves. There are many portions of the scriptures that do not by any means suit or suppose the estate and path of the Christian. You notice it's in italics. When the youngster realized who it was that had given him friendly help, his expression of dumb adoration was a study." Now he may have the blessed enjoyment of communion with Christ, but it is a Christ crucified on earth. He is answerable to God, just as his workmen are answerable to him. The apostle will not sanction such an amalgam, but refuses it; and we must remember that in these exhortations it was the Lord acting by the Spirit in His servant. Men of different nationalities, who would have leaped at each other's throats, sat in peace beside each other at the Table of the Lord. But the first characteristic result of Christ's work on the cross was the veil that shut up the holiest rent from top to bottom. Where sin brought man, grace brought Christ. They do it with a great spirit. That may be putting bread on the table, but your life really is bound up in Jesus Christ. There could be no fellowship in the ancient world between a slave and a free man. Have a mind all of whose thoughts are fixed on the things which are above, not upon the things on earth. I'm dead to the flesh that I might be alive unto God in Christ, living after the Spirit. Again, on each Lord's day, when we are gathered together to Christ's name, what is before us according to God's word and will? But there is far more than that: "If ye then be risen with Christ." 81-82; and John F. Walvoord, Jesus Christ Our Lord, pp. When men's eyes are turned away from Christ, the doctrine of the Spirit might add to the danger and delusion, as it has wrought in all ages to puff up men not established in Christ. How was it then to be filled up? All things were created by Him, no doubt; but they were created for Him also not by Him for the Father. Bear with one another, and, if anyone has a ground of complaint against someone else, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive each other. 89-90; David A. Set your affection on things above . There is not only the contemplative side but the active, and this makes the saint truly passive; for if we are strengthened, it is mainly not to do, but to endure in a world which knows not Christ. "You must not only seek heaven, you must think heaven" (Lightfoot). Knowledge and faith make a soul rich. Before we study the list in detail, we must note two very significant things. How vain and perilous at least for themselves was the effort of the Colossians! The guilt which a broken law charged on the conscience is gone by an act infinitely more glorifying to God than the personal righteousnesses of all the men that ever lived, not to speak of the conscious pardon which is also secured to those who possess it. They needed to know, I will not say, that Christ suffices only; but that there is such fulness of blessing and glory in Christ as utterly to eclipse and condemn all that flesh would glory in. Seek marks the practical striving; set your mind, the inward impulse and disposition. Moreover, worldly lusts, the members which are on the earth, earthly pleasures that are sinful, may be here meant. Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Actually, I have seen something that I think is a terrible evil. 1 Paul, a an apostle of Christ Jesus b by the will of God, and Timothy c our brother,. How blessed! You had such a good attitude. Their desire, we may be sure, was as well meant as any mistake can be. "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." It pertains to a life in this world to say, "Touch not; taste not; handle not." Of course it is not at all being dead to what a man had as a natural life in the world. This may seem a strong statement, and I wonder at none feeling surprised, till they have rigidly examined it with the scriptures; for probably no one could believe it unless he had proved its truth. Now you make your living over here. What a humbling consideration that those so blessed (dead, as we have said, and risen with Christ) are here told to mortify what is most shameful and shameless! Possibly apostles may have written epistles that were not intended for the permanent instruction of the church; but that what was so intended is lost we may resolutely deny from all we know of our God. Every thought of man is vain in the presence of His wisdom. Clearly, therefore, the whole character of the new system depends, first, on the Deity of the incarnate Saviour, and, secondly, on the glorious truths of His atoning death and of His resurrection. Thus it matters not what part of Ephesians is looked at - Wealth, honor, pleasure among,! 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