romulan ship names generator

Please Note: Captains who purchase single ships will be unable to purchase bundles containing that ship. 13. Type the first, last, or both names of the couple in the name form and click generate. Continuing Conversations 71Making Your Adversaries Come Alive! If you are naming a place, rather than people, you should know that often places are named after people. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Will something more come of it though? Try the Star Trek Romulan Name Quiz. The plasmonic leech is a big bonus, considering that Romulan ships suffer from lower subsystem base power, so if your build is supposed to contain that, 1000 Zen for the Vandal is a much better deal than the gazillion of EC you'd have to pay to get one as a Federation ally. Do you want to have Star Trek Romulan Name random content on your website, blog or app with our API? Anyway, without much ado, let's take a look at some of the best names from the Romulan culture! Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Other have a Romulan background like my Flagg-Ship, the R.R.W. 7. This article describes the process of naming of persons, places and things in languages spoken by Romulans. The technology housed within it caused a . They can be anything you choose to say, such as: 5. Its mission is to seek out other intelligent life forms and teach them about Earth. There are so many Romulan names, it's crazy, OMG! They have pointed ears like the Vulcans, but most Romulans had two brow ridges of which the top ones are larger and shaped like a V. 43. I'm not imaginative in terms of categories; I usually go bird names of some kind, though I dance around names to Latin names, English names, mythology as appropriate. 27. - For fictional Star Trek Romulan Name content Rytr is perfect for making up original AI Star Trek Romulan Name material using GPT-3. Want more personalized results? designation, name (something one may be called by, not necessarily one's true name, which it is sometimes considered dangeroue to give too freely) (RW 75) (n) - nahi desire, choice, will (n) - ssaed (D) Vrobee jumps at everything and is generally nervous because of it. Romulan warbird In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and crew, no strangers to swank and size, are in awe of this baby -- and for good reason. You might have heard many names that are already great. His writings on Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Disney, The Muppets and everything Jim Henson-related, and more have been published in numerous places both in print and online. This site is not affiliated with the game publishers. 3. Bochra meaning 'good news'. You brainstorm unless you fetch something you love. A region is a rather nebulous term encompassing anything from 2. I love all of the different options it has to choose from, This is the best Romulan name generator I've ever used, This is one of the best Romulan name generators I've found, This is the coolest Star Trek Romulan name generator I've found and it's free! Sometimes, the surnames change into maternal house names and the house names of their wives for the males as only males in the family change their surnames after marriage. Duros/Neimoidian: Varla Monar. Bidran Part of the Romulan Rebirth Movement, Bidran was a friend of senator Tenqem Adrev. Head over to Pictory. This was one of the names of the supporting Romulans in the 2009 movie, 'Star Trek'. N'Vek was an officer who served in the Romulan Star Empire. Belak meaning 'fair-haired/pale-skinned'; a Romulan D'deridex-class warbird in the 24th century. the prefix e-, meaning 'of the family of.'. They look a lot like a humanoid version of a bat. Perhaps a little too much. Hopefully there isnt any need to conscript civilian pilots any time soon. Sorry about that; my forum is being a pain. and our 54. Since some Romulan stuff is based of of the Romans, I used some latin names: I suppose I'll have to admit that I'm prone to going 'space elves' when I need names for Romulan ships sometimes; R.R.W. Laris meaning 'oak'; the name of the Romulan housekeeper working under Jean-Luc Picard. But what does that say about him? The Mad Irishman 8. The following are some star trek romulan names to help you out: 4. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. Narada referring to a sage god in Indian mythology; from the Romulan mining vessel that was captained by Nero. 42. One of the good ways to name something is to simply change one or two letters of a real or known star trek romulan name to create something new which is still recognizable, simple, and memorable. This is the name of a female Romulan born out of the union of a Romulan male and Klingon female. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. She later changed status from a servant of House Khellian and became a senator, and her third name changed to "Khellian" after she had taken on a new surname. Female: Suris Temarion, Lera D'Ran, Kemari Arek, Silar Noldok, Ondana Telok. 16. This page contains a list of Romulan starships, displayed in alphabetical order. Xoval relishes his position as a spy in Vulcan High Command. Caithlin meaning 'pure'. She just likes to fly. Pilot Ship Stats . The spread-wing primary hull, long neck and bulbous command module . Kimara Cretak was a Romulan politician and her name could be used as a personal name. At least that is what his neighbors believe. Science is Xulmins passion and he pursues it with a gusto that unnerves even his Romulan peers. Tenqem This was the name of one of the many Romulans who were part of the Romulan Star Empire. Using a ship name is not tough, even if you use it first. This is one of the more common Romulan names used as personal names. Robotic characters will not have names that are culturally related or derived. A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! Your email address will not be published. For example, Christians name their kids after saints, as Paul and Mathew. Romulan Warbird Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew were awestruck by this Romulan Warbird for obvious reasons in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Romulans are extremely talented at subterfuge, making their use of cloaking devices unparalleled and their damage bonus from decloaking higher than that of other species. The D7-class battlecruiser is the first Klingon starship observed in the Star Trek franchise. He finds logic creeping into his thoughts. 31. 57. The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. Don't like the ship name you've been given? D'Tan This was the name of one of the Romulans who were for an unification with the Vulcans. This is one of the more common Romulan warbird names. Unlike a Federation crew, Romulan vessels tend to be homogenous so it will be up to specific Talents and character creation choices to differentiate the crew. Starships of the Federation. ** NOTE: This page only does Rihannsu character ASR's Rihannsu Character Name Generator is here to help!. 11. Romulan ship classes at Ex Astris Scientia Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Romulan Star Empire at The STArchive Enterprise ). These are some of the more popular Romulan female names: 26. RIPtumblr 5. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. A Fan Site for the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius. Omega Sub 7. 55. By the end of the conflict, only two out of seven NX's had survived. by the name's prefix. It even works well for naming non-player 29. 9. Argh. information on Rihanssu (Romulan) names can be found on the Elf (WwW): Valaria Moonlord. Starships by state. Maybe it doesnt bother you, but for others, its a time-consuming process theyd like to skip. At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of the Coda miniseries and the continuations of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks; and the premieres of Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Copyright 2019-2022 All rights reserved. Maybe also useful for naming spaceships in games like Kerbal Space Program, or Elite Dangerous. (TOS - Rihannsu novels: My Enemy, My Ally, The Romulan Way, Swordhunt). USS T'Kumbra USS T'Pau USS T'Pavis USS Ta'veret USS Talon USS Tecumseh USS Thayer USS Theodore Roosevelt USS Thermopylae USS Theseus USS Thessalonica USS Thims USS Thomas Paine USS Thomason USS Thunderchild USS Tian An Men USS Tiberius USS Ticonderoga USS Ticonderoga-A) USS Tigris USS Tintagel USS Titan USS Titanic USS Tolkien USS Tolstoy USS Traben USS Trailblazer USS Tranquility USS Trier . Ive cleared the last of our ore and my crew and I are eager to get back out there. Check out the Star Trek Romulan Name API. Scimitar meaning 'lion's claws'; Jean-Luc Picard describes the heavily-armed Scimitar warship as a predator. You'll be amazed at the potential names the generator spits out! Its comforting. - If you need original factual content such as Star Trek Romulan Name blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. Take a look at these awesome Romulan male names from the Star Trek franchise: 1. Rakal from the name of a murdered Romulan agent. Around the 23rd century, most were registered with "ChR", short for "Ch'Rihan". This is a list of the top 10 Star Trek Romulan Names for 2023. Talvath moving away from warships, the Talvath was a Romulan science vessel. All you 35. 36. So, they are naturally full of potential. U.S.S. Within moments, you'll have I cannot fetch you all star trek romulan names to use in your story, but my little guide may help you naming ideas, characters, places, and concepts. The NX refit reached warp 6 and its design . Ships of the mirror universe Romulan Republic are named in much the same manner, but with the prefix "RSE". Chirok from the novel 'Balance Of Power'. Donatra was the name of one of the female Romulans who turned commander. Bortas: Uncommon: 3-star: Battleship: When defending the Station, The Bortas increases the damage of all the other ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. But she's too smart to say anything about it. 53. While modern Romulan ship designs have placed greater value on size than maneuverability, the Romulan Republic has recognized the value of speed and agility in space. Negh'Var Warship Remans are a species of humanoids with deep-set eyes, white skin, short sharp teeth and pointy ears. You can use these names for your own identity and other purposes. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. A great deal of Romulan ships are named after combat gear from history (Rea's Helm, Gauntlet, Pillion). Gasko meaning 'strength of God'; a Romulan starship. They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. This generator will generator 10 random names at a time, fit for the Romulan species of the Star Trek universe. This was the surname of the Romulan admiral, Alidar. The names for their homeworlds. Romulan Languages web site. 1. Dold Digger 8 4. Badass Spaceship Names Sometimes you need a name that will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies just at the sound of it. Note: Some of these names may be unavailable in-game. NX-class starships served as the flagships for Starfleet Command's joint task forces throughout the Earth-Romulan War. This is one of the more common Romulan names used as personal names. Commander Rekar was a member of the Tal Shiar, which was a Romulan spy agency. Within moments, you'll have a name for your new character. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Common usage of names is simply Given Name . M'ret was known to be a high-ranking official in the Romulan's administration in the 2360s. Top 10 Star Trek Romulan Names This is a list of the top 10 Star Trek Romulan Names for 2023. 1. There are three forms of locative 2000 years ago. 24. This list has some links to different sources that might give you some ideas for your starship names. In the modern environment, prefixes are cited inconsistently in civilian service, whereas in government service a vessel's prefix is seldom . Cross out any that youve already used, and go with the next closest name if youve already used a particular result. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. 23. Pi meaning 'circumference'; from the Romulan scout ship with a similar name. Romulans are more xenophobic while Vulcans have been known to accept and maintain peace with other groups in the universe. More Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This article or subsection has an associated. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. For more information, please see our 51. And Vrobee is happy with that. 10. With prestige comes rank, larger ships, multiple ships, and more experienced . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. does anyone know of a decent online resource for romulan/kdf ship names and terms? You can use this for ships of all types, whether they are on the water or not. Registry Name Prefix Registry name prefix is what precede the ship's name (e.g. I use Noctivagus for my ship name. 45. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. But shes too smart to say anything about it. 3. Usually, this happens through marriage, although occasionally By joining for free you can have more generator options such as selecting more items generated each time. This Romulan name generator is so awesome! There has been plenty of non-canonical work on Star Trek. 3. The results are truely amazing. A person employed as a bonded servant would bear the name of the house they worked for, even if they were not related to the family that bore that name. Letant meaning 'from the meadow'. He lives in London with his partner and an ever-increasing collection of Blu-rays, DVDs, and books. There's a D'Valthau (Valdore + D'Ridthau) somewhere in the dock, a Khazara, a Verelan, one D'Tervek (from the random generator because it sounded nice) and for fun the intel ship was named "bright/shiny" (ehhae) because all the dark/dangerous/stealthy Romulan names (shadow, secret, etc.) Valdore This name could be a play on the Canadian city Val-d'Or which translates into 'valley of gold' and the name was one of the military officers in the 22nd century. Use the [SaveasImage] button to create your own Star Trek Romulan Name Images. This locative name is prefixed by i- (in the Spaceship name generator The Royal Ogden The SS Voltaire a name for your new character. Setal meaning 'bristle'. All player ships in Star Trek Online can have a registry name prefix and some can have a registry number prefix. There are many ways to use this, but heres one way: roll 2d20, and check the top table with the results on one die, and the bottom table with the result on the second die. Many Romulans have a self-chosen "fourth name" that they keep a secret all their lives, rarely revealed to others. have been used for NPC ships or as class names for Romulan warbirds - which is nice. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. 'Thank You. Our ship name combiner gives you the option to put 2 to 4 names at a time to get a bunch of ship names. Delum worked hard to gain her position as a pilot. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Take a look at these awesome Romulan male names from the Star Trek franchise: 1. For example: I google up 'english to romulan' and cough up various names if that doesn't work I ask protogoth for assistance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, List of Federation starships (Memory Alpha), List of Cardassian starships (Memory Alpha), List of Federation starships (Memory Beta), List of Cardassian starships (Memory Beta), List of Terran Empire starships (Memory Beta), List of starships named after stars and star systems (Memory Beta), List of starships named after planets and planetoids (Memory Beta), List of starships named after galactic regions (Memory Beta), List of starships named after planetary locations (Memory Beta), List of ship names of the Royal Navy (Wikipedia), List of ships of the United States Navy (see box on right) (Wikipedia), List of naval ships of Germany (Wikipedia), List of ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy (Wikipedia), List of active Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force ships (Wikipedia), List of Royal Norwegian Navy ships (Wikipedia), List of active Swedish Navy ships (Wikipedia), List of ships of the Swedish Navy (Wikipedia), List of active Finnish Navy ships (Wikipedia), List of decommisioned Finnish Navy ships (Wikipedia), List of African mythological figures (Wikipedia), List of Heroes, gods and spirits of Finnish mythology (Wikipedia), List of Greek mythological figures (Wikipedia), List of Slavic mythological figures (Wikipedia), List of ships in Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined) (Battlestar Wiki), List of ships in Battlestar Galactica (original) (Battlestar Wiki), List of warships and spacecraft of the Cosmic Era (Gundam Wiki), Lists of ships in other Gundam series (Gundam Wiki). Narissa meaning 'daughter of Nereus/sea nymph'; a colonel for the Tal Shiar. Now if she could just quiet the little voice telling her to sabotage her own work and make them all pay. Here is a list of funny Vulcan male and female names that you can give to your characters. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Alidar A part of the famed Romulan military, Alidar was an admiral. In the Star Trek universe, Decius is the first Romulan ever to make an appearance. then click on the "Generate Name" button. Which do you prefer, Romulans or Vulcans? We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. For the glory of Romulus!. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. We love it for Star Trek Romulan Name content, blogs and articles. One tradition common with Rihannsu language-style naming, is to have a middle name which denotes an origin or standing in life, meaning it can change as an individual rises up through Romulan Star Empire society: in this tradition, Human Starfleet Intelligence Officer Terise Haleakala-LoBrutto traveled to Romulus and assumed a Romulan name, "Arrhae i-Mnaeha t'Khellian", with "Mnaeha" as her third name. Bochra was the name of a Romulan officer who served their empire in the 24th century. Ba'el meaning 'lord'. Are ch'Rihan and ch'Havran, meaning "of the declared" and "of the travelers". Ramdha There was a Romulan scientist by the name of Ramdha. 12. A history of shipbuilding Shipbuilding dates back at least to ancient civilizations when ships were first used as transport and trade vessels. Appearing as the main antagonist in the 2009 Star Trek movie, Nero was a Romulan commander who was out for personal vengeance against the Federation. These are the best names for star trek romulan: These are the catchy romulan names suggested by the names generator: So, what is the best way to come up with new and cool fantasy names? His Romulan peers donatra was the name of one of the Romulans who were part the... Like my Flagg-Ship, the R.R.W are naming a place, rather than people you! Particular result warbird Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew were awestruck by this Romulan warbird Captain Jean-Luc Picard joint forces. Meaning `` of the couple romulan ship names generator the Star Trek Romulan name material using.... Official in the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius Fan site for the Romulan admiral,.! 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