:-)LabMama. Our puppies seem to 'flop' around a lot, almost as if their neck is not very strong. Since his front legs are not splayed (if I understand you correctly), the padding and t-shirt method probably isn't right for him. Basenjis. Anna, that is such good news! Please give any suggestion about do and don't for this pup. Warm regards,Jack Vanderwyk,LabradorNet, thank you so much for you HUGE support! They were 3 weeks on Monday, and still having a bit of trouble walking, so we've just put a rug in their whelping box for traction, and it took about 10 mintues for the girls to really get active and start playing, but the I'm afraid the boy is a swimmer. The pound wasnt even willing to give his life a chance. One of the girls is very flat-chested, and I noticed that she breathes with more effort. For pets with several lumps and bumps, your veterinarian may create a chart detailing their locations and sizes so that you know what's new as well as what's changed. I live in France and the disease here is more or less unknown so seeing a vet will not do any good. Holy cow! However, the problem affects a kitten's spine and sternum too. Also, they have thin noses and unusually few tracheas. If they DONT walk at all, they may indeed be swimmers. The other one is having difficulty nursing and doesn't nurse for long or vigorously.In fact, to sustain him, I have had to resort to artificial feeding..with a bottle and pup formula milk. One more thing. if shes walking and running on her own now, you can safely remove the padding and sock for good. So if your pooch has it, nothing will change with the way they behave or act. Supervision: Discourage positioning that promotes flatness. I d just like to say again thank you so much for your advice and support. Also, If you could provide me with a way of sending you pictures I would love for you to post them on your web site along with our information. :) I hope I have answered your questions. The last pair of ribs inside your dog is much shorter. Thus, crawling or resting, the front legs dont properly support the chest which allows the whelps weight to flatten the sternum and spread the rib cage. Thank you! Science revealed this is the cause of repetitive lower airway infections, physical activity intolerance, coughing, and gastrointestinal tract disorders. We are forcing him to lay on his side, and are starting to keep his legs together with tape and velcro. Is it too late to try the methods described in your site? His back legs are in terrible shape. I was told he had a hard time going up stairs when I picked him up on 10-17. They are always flat on their tummies, with all 4 legs splayed out. His hind legs are very weak. It is Or did I get this wrong. She does not sleep on her side and although tries to pull herself along with her front legs her back legs just get dragged along behind. Please post again if you have any more questions and best of luck with your sweet baby!

. I live in Bendigo, Central Victoria, Australia. When you bind the hind legs to you tape them together or how do you do. Poor baby! 2 out of the 4 are perfectly walking, and the other 2 can now walk and try to run, but their little legs slip sometimes and walk with them open sometimes. Dont give up! However, I wonder if you can tell me what you did hour by hour, what was Fudge's routine. We need help and don't know who to call or what to do to help him, ok well i monitored him over night and his breathing seems to be better with the rig on i dont think the hind legs technique is necessary yet he is having small improvements my only question is how long should i keep him in this rig? J Small Anim Pract.

Hi LabMama

I'm a small lab breeder and I got three weeks ago a litter with only one puppy.

It was the first time for me, so I didn't know that's the puppy will get so fat, but he also has a flat chest and I think he is a swimmer. I am over the moon and want to thank you for all your suggestions without which I would not have known what to do. I'm doing all my best to save her and she too!!!! Position his rear legs so they are straight down and away from his belly at a 90 angle, then gently secure them in that position with the surgical tape. I might just give her a couple more days to show some room for improvement as i m a little worried about getting the rig wrong and causing more problems.Thank u so much for the reply i ve tried everyone including 2 vets and their attitude is if she doesnt learn to walk on her own there is nothing much they can do for her. One has started walking, still little wobbly but walking. I do recommend having the vet check her out if shes not eating well. He's also taking NutriCal to help gain muscles.. Our female just had one pup (other litters were 9, 9, & 6). How to tell the difference between a floating rib and a broken rib. I'm so afraid Im losing two right now. I would like to try the t-shirt and foam harness, but if I use the foam on the chest, will that not push the rib case further in? External splinting for treatment of pectus excavatum in a dog with right ventricular outflow obstruction. 1 It has been described in dogs, cats, lambs, calves, rabbits and sea otters. Both of these disfigurements can cause serious compression of the lungs and heart. He just needs a little more time. After he does, you will be amazed at the speed with which he catches up to his litter mates.I have posted a reply here to benefit others who may be reading this but I will send it to your e-mail address as well. what is happening that concerns me is that she has a flat rib cage it doesn't seem to bother her but I just don't know if it will get worse. I am a little worried about the frontlegs of the female, they are wide apart (from lying on the stomach) so I am concidering to tie a similar harness around the frontlegs too for her. I have read all of this info aswell as other sites & it seems that my boy has a problem with both front & back legs, both are splayed. I hope I have covered everything that concerned you! Its the bone right in the middle of the chest. Fudge didn't gag but he did have restricted breathing. Viewed from above, the body should taper slightly to end of loin. Extra tip: If there are kids at home, keep them away from your dog for now. Instead, the swimmer :-/, Hello, my mother is a miniature schnauzer breeder and our litter is 4 weeks old. I have a bunch of posture issues, flared ribs, big sacral dimple, pelvic tilt and feel like my back makes me look so big. The vet said she had never seen anything like it. And now, if you look at the bone structure of dogs. I had forgotten to write that their chests are flat. If this is the case, an affected puppy should not be used for breeding purposes. Example breeds would be the bulldog, basset, and Scottie but no breed is immune to the deformity which can vary in degree from slight to crippling. The shaded areas indicate the extent of the pleural cavities not filled by the lungs. Scientific Electronic Library Online: Pectus Carinatum in a Dog. Jane Meggitt has been a writer for more than 20 years. I've been putting them on the outside. If that is the case there may not be a lot of room for pups if you bred from her but so long as there is room for her organs there should be no problem. DOG CAGE PUPPY PET CRATE CARRIER METAL 2 DOOR EASY ASSEMBLY FLAT FOLDING TRAVEL. I have searched the web for over a week & have finally found this place.could this be swimmers or something worse?Please help me I am so worried!Julie, Julie, you're definitely in the right place.A lot of us didn't notice the problems until later because we didn't know what we were looking at. Oh thank goodness. Our pups change so quickly at this early stage that you may find her coming around completely in a few days. Is there anything else we can do and is there hope? 1. Most of the ideas are for older pups He is so tiny I dont know if I should try the sock method I am kinda panickedI put him on his side while nursing that works for awhile,, but then he crawls away and lands on his belly. Since she was so sick we bottle fed, and I think this is what went wrong. The puppies never stayed on their side, always on their stomach and their chests are flat+they do not walk/stand so it is without a doubt swimmer syndrome. Im thrilled to hear your success story; thanks for sharing it! Best 10 Airline Approved Dog Carriers and Crates in 2022, What To Put (And NOT To Put) In A Dog Crate And Where to Place it, What Size Dog Crate Do You Need? ( pups will be 3 wks on Monday). Pups have an amazing ability to recover, so I wouldnt write him off just yet. Learn More. Is it to early to start the jacket w foam inserts, she is only a week old? Take a sock and cut holes where the legs can come through, then let your pup wear it like a sweater. Just wanted to tell you that my Swimmer is doing just great! she has been passed around by many familys and the owner said if she doesnt find a home she will put her down :( the problem is misty has a hard time walking she will walk for a bit than stop and limps. He should quickly (3-4 days) get the hang of it, and once he is sleeping and nursing properly, the ribcage will correct itself as he grows.You are SO ahead of the game by catching it early! In pectus excavatum, the sternum and costal cartilages are deformed, resulting in a horizontal narrowing of the chest, primarily on the . As a tip, you can also try to look at the bone anatomy of a dogs rib cage. And you can do so by visiting a different reputable clinic. Thank you for the support when I was so nervous. How can i upload a photo to your blog so that i can share my swimmer puppy photo to everyone? I think I might have a puppy with swimmers but she is not showing all the symptoms she is walking and does not having breathing problems. used Dry Deck rubber matting. Let me know if you still need help. she has improved with her front legs so much. Most importantly- and this one is crucial- stay CONSISTENT. Remember how fast they are growing right now their bones have to be 'flexible'.Please keep us posted on your progress! I wish your hubby a fast and full recovery. ~Thanks for all the tips and suggestion, I will update you on progress, Just had to share the good news :) my little darling just stood up and took a few steps! If this one doesnt I would begin rigging her up now. Please let me know if you have any more questions!LabMama, I have a three and half week old lab who is a swimmer. she sits far enough away that she can see them but she isn;t too interested in them for the most part. Flat-chested, rib-sprung puppies saved by using this method! Hi there,Having 2 pups here with this problem, they are 4 weeks tomorrow. The leg hobble is less extreme than the shirt rig but if you think what youre doing is working, stick with it. This should be done from 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. I will try and make him the "rig" but not real sure how as he is still so small. So we breathed a sigh of reliefhowever today I noticed that my other little girl has strange back legs, they seem like jelly and when you move them they click and seem to pop inside out. Hi, I have a litter of Bichon cross terrier. Common sense says, dont breed a swimmer. How can we correct the flat chest ? I know we have a long road a head of us, but I"m hoping he comes out on top. Dog Crate Replacement Pan Plastic Tray for Cage Kennel 36" - NEW. If so is there a diagram on the net i could use to refer to when doing this? The local vets don't seem to have much idea about this problem and think it will go on its own. It is a genetic abnormality of the breastbone and the costochondral cartilage creating narrowing of the thorax and indentation of the sternum. In case you still have doubts, youre always free to get a second opinion. I learned of it through horses. They are all splayed with all legs. I have eggcrate matting in the bottom of my whelping box, it is very soft. With closer examination, I noticed that the third rib from the bottom . That included massaging her little limbs, gently moving her paws and legs. Rebecca, it sounds like you are doing everything right. I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for replies. I told him to hold off on doing ANYTHING till I do some research. Carole, that is wonderful news! Additionally, frequent coughing, heart murmur (loud sound of the heart that you can hear), or cyanosis (blueish discoloration on the dogs legs) can be noticed. Sorry that I don't know how to put my name here. All she needs is for you to believe in her, and youll be surprised to see the fighting spirit in a dog hungry for life and the love of her owner. Depending on how severe the condition is, flat feet can be treated with medication, splinting of the affected legs, or even surgery. Im so sorry I couldnt reply sooner. Hi i was recently reading on your web site about swimmers syndrome ,my st bernard had a litter of pups 7 weeks ago one of the puppys back legs where splayed toke him to vet they hobbled him for 3 weeks now instead of walking normally he wants to hop everywhere,he can run and gets around just fine,but the vet says the true test will be the next 2 months as he gains weight as to weither he will fully recover or not i am having a tough time finding him a good home,i would love to keep him but we have our limit on dogs already,do you have any advice. The Rib Cage and Dog Weight. Help! In most tetrapods, ribs surround the chest, enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity. I just can't bear to lose that little guy.ThanksDiane Myers. After 3 days of your treatment she was making huge progress and has made incredible progress, now at 6 weeks you would not know anything was ever wrong. The male even walks without the harness now. One of those signals is the righting reflex and within a few days, the whelp will begin to struggle when held on his back in your hand. The seven-week-old Shih Tzu dog suffering from pectus excavatum in this 2010 study corrected its malformation entirely after wearing the splint for three weeks. What happened? Rahal SC, Morishin Filho MM, Hatschbach E, Machado VMV, Aptekmann KP, Corra TP. I have looked for help in various other ways and means but to no avail.Nicola, Today her walking is even better looks like she s just a little behind. Also, where and what position do you place the foam for the legs? This syndrome leads to a deformation in their limbs, beginning with the hind limbs. Thanks Lab mama xAnnette, Hello, first of all thank you so much for this useful site & blog, all your comments and experience are very valuable to everybody is dealing with a swimmer! Thank you so much for sharing your success; it will be a great help to other people dealing with pups of their own.All the best.Labmama. Please walk me through the sock/t-shirt or any other method. Overview. TOP 5 VACUUM BELL MANUFACTURERS IN 2023, WHERE TO BUY, TIPS, SCAMS & MORE, HOW TO FIX FLARED RIBS IN 2023, CAUSES, EXERCISES & MORE, TOP 3 PECTUS EXCAVATUM BRACES IN 2023, ULTIMATE REVIEW, VACUUM BELL THERAPY FOR PECTUS EXCAVATUM IN 2023, EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW, TOP 10 PECTUS EXCAVATUM EXERCISES IN 2023: MISTAKES, TIPS & MORE, 81 CELEBRITIES WITH PECTUS EXCAVATUM IN 2023: ACTORS, MUSICIANS, ATHLETES, FIGHTERS & MORE, FREE PECTUS EXCAVATUM E-BOOK IN YOUR INBOX. I can't tell you thanks enough for having this site and taking the time to help others. Furthermore, the 13 rib also gives protection to your dogs kidney. Please don't hesitate to contact me again if you have any more questions or concerns, and best of luck with your Lab baby. I am SO thrilled for you! He tries soo hard and it just breaks my heart. Pectus excavatum, which is from Latin meaning "hollow breast," is a chest wall deformity seen frequently in humans and less often in veterinary patients. The big story is in the newspaper! I massage them and they seem to enjoy lying on their side then, but then never lie on their side by themselves. . If his littermates wiggle and squirm but one pup lays limp, there is cause for concern. Puppies always use their front legs first, so as he learns to walk that is typical.

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